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History 1301-CH.1 Outline

Seagull Edition, ISBN 9780393614176

United States History I ( HIST 1301)

179 Documents
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Dallas College

Academic year: 2019/2020
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History 1301- U. History 1

Chapter One

I. Introduction

A. Since the voyages of Columbus, the interconnectia global scale. on of cultures and peoples has taken place on

II. The First Americans A. The Settling of the Americas 1. "Indians" settled the New World between 15,000 amelted and submerged the land bridge between Asia and 60,000 years ago, before the glaciers nd North America. B. Indian Societies of the Americas 1. North and South American societies built roads, trade networks, and irrigation systems. 2. Societies from Mexico and areas south were grandnorth of Mexico. er in scale and organization than those a. North American Indians lacked the technologies Eumetal tools and machines, gunpowder, and the scientropeans had mastered, such as ific knowledge necessary for long-distance navigation. C. Mound Builders of the Mississippi River Valley 1. Built approximately 3,500 years ago along the Micommunity known today as Poverty Point was a tradinssissippi River in modern-day Louisiana, a g center for the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys. 2. Near present-day St. Louis, the city known as Caof 10,000 to 30,000 around 1200 CE, featured large hhokia, which flourished with a population uman-built mounds. D. Western Indians 1. Hopi and Zuni ancestors settled around present-dplanned towns with multiple-family dwellings, and tay Arizona and New Mexico, built large raded with peoples as far away as Mississippi and central Mexico. 2. Indians in the Pacific Northwest lived primarilyGreat Plains, the Indians hunted buffalo or lived i by fishing and gathering, whereas on the n agricultural communities. E. Indians of Eastern North America 1. Indian tribes living in the eastern part of Nortcorn, squash, and beans and supplemented it by fishh America sustained themselves with a diet of ing and hunting. 2. Native Americans believed sacred spirits could bas animals, plants, trees, water, and wind. This ide found in living and inanimate things such ea is known as animism.

  1. Tribes frequently warred with one another; however, there were also many loose alliances.

  2. Indians saw themselves as one group among many; Europeans upon their arrival was remarkable. the sheer diversity seen by the F. Native American Religion

  3. Religious ceremonies were often directly related to farming and hunting.

  4. Those who were believed to hold special spirituaauthority. l powers held positions of respect and

  5. Indian religion did not pose a sharp distinction between the natural and the supernatural. G. Land and Property

  6. The idea of owning private property was foreign to Indians.

  7. Indians believed land was a common resource, not an economic commodity.

  8. Wealth mattered little in Indian societies and generosity was far more important. H. Gender Relations

  9. Women could engage in premarital sex and choose Indian societies were matrilineal. to divorce their husbands, and most

  10. Because men were often away on hunts, women atteas the household duties. nded to the agricultural duties as well I. European Views of the Indians

  11. Europeans felt that Indians lacked genuine religion.

  12. Europeans claimed that Indians did not "use" the land and thus had no claim to it.

  13. Europeans viewed Indian men as weak and Indian women as mistreated. III. Indian Freedom, European Freedom A. Indian Freedom

  14. Europeans concluded that the notion of freedom was alien to Indian societies.

  15. Europeans concluded that Indians were barbaric because they were too free.

  16. European understanding of freedom was based on idownership of private property—ideas foreign to Indiaeas of personal independence and the ns. B. Christian Liberty

  17. Europeans believed that to embrace Christ was to provide freedom from sin.

  18. "Christian liberty" had no connection to later ideas of religious tolerance.

  19. In the premodern world, religion permeated every aspect of people’s lives.

  20. Columbus landed on Hispaniola in 1492, and colonization began the next year.

  21. Nicolas de Ovando established a permanent base in Hispaniola in 1502.

  22. Amerigo Vespucci sailed along the coast of SouthNew World came to be called America. America between 1498 and 1502, and the B. Exploration and Conquest

  23. News could now travel quickly, especially with tmovable-type printing press in the early 1400s invention of Johann Gutenberg’s

  24. John Cabot had traveled to Newfoundland in 1497,exploring the New World. and soon many Europeans were

  25. Vasco Núñez de Balboa trekked across Panama and Ocean. Ferdinand Magellan led an expedition to sailwas the first European to see the Pacific around the world.

  26. Two Spanish conquistadores, Hernán Cortés and Frexpeditions against the Aztec and Inca civilizationancisco Pizarro led devastating s, respectively, in the early 1500s. C. The Demographic Disaster

  27. The Columbian Exchange transferred not only plantsmallpox and influenza. s and animals but also diseases, such as

  28. The native populations were significantly depletconversion to Christianity, and disease. ed through wars, enslavement, forced

VI. The Spanish Empire A. Governing Spanish America 1. Spain established a stable government modeled after Spanish home rule and absolutism. a. Power flowed from the king to the Council of the Indies to viceroys to local officials. 2. The Catholic Church played a significant role in the administration of Spanish colonies. B. Colonists in Spanish America 1. Gold and silver mining was the primary economy in Spanish America. a. Mines were worked by Indians. b. Many Spaniards came to the New World for easier social mobility. C. Colonists and Indians 1. Indian inhabitants always outnumbered European coSpanish America. lonists and their descendants in

  1. Spanish America evolved into a hybrid culture—para. Peninsulares were people of European birth. t Indian, part Spanish, and, in places, part African.

a. Mestizos were persons of mixed Indian and Spanish origin. D. Justifications for Conquest

  1. To justify their claims to land that belonged to superiority, missionary zeal, and violence. someone else, the Spanish relied on cultural

E. Spreading the Faith 1. A missionary element existed from the Church’s lrenewed with the Protestant Reformation in the sixtong holy war against Islam and was eenth century. 2. National glory and religious mission went hand iSpaniards being to transform the Indians into obedin hand, with the primary aim of the ent Catholic subjects of the crown. 3. Not only diseases contributed to massive deaths but also brutal conditions of forced labor. a. Many Spanish colonialists saw no contradiction bthemselves. etween serving God and enriching b. The souls to be saved could also be a labor force in the gold and silver mines. F. Las Casas’s Complaint 1. Bartolomé de Las Casas wrote about the injustices of Spanish rule toward the Indians. 2. Las Casas insisted that Indians were rational bethem of land or liberty. ings and Spain had no grounds to deprive 3. He believed that "the entire human race is one," but favored African slavery. 4. Voices of Freedoma. Las Casas, History of the Indies (Primary Source document feature) (1528) b. His book helped to establish the Black Legend thcolonizing power. at Spain was a uniquely brutal

G. Reforming the Empire 1. Las Casas’s writings encouraged the 1542 New Laws, which forbade Indian enslavement. 2. In 1550, Spain abolished the encomienda system and replaced it with H. Exploring North Americathe repartimiento system. 1. In what would become the future United States, Scolony on the island of Puerto Rico (1508). pain established the first permanent a. Juan Ponce de León, the leader of the colony, found gold. b. Most other later European settlements did not have gold. 2. Large Spanish expeditions traveled through FloriSouthwest (1520s–1540s). da, the Gulf of Mexico region, and the 3. These expeditions, particularly Hernando de Sotodiseases. ’s, brutalized Indians and spread deadly

  1. On the upper Great Lakes, relative equality existed between the French and Indians. a. The b. It was more common for the French to adopt Indiamétis were children of Indian women and French men ways than for Indians to become like the French. D. The Dutch Empire
  2. In 1609, Henry Hudson sailed into New York HarboNetherlands. r and claimed the area for the
  3. Dutch traders established Fort Orange (near modeIndia Company settled colonists on Manhattan Islandrn Albany) in 1614, and the Dutch West in 1626.
  4. The Netherlands dominated international commerce in the early seventeenth century. E. Dutch Freedom
  5. The Dutch prided themselves on their devotion toprivate religious practice were unique to the Dutch liberty; freedoms of the press and of.
  6. Amsterdam was a refuge for many persecuted Protestants and Jews. F. Freedom in New Netherland
  7. New Netherland was a military post. It was not gpossessed rights. overned democratically, but the citizens
  8. Slaves had "half-freedom" in that they were given land to support their families.
  9. Women had more rights and independence in New Necolonies; they could go to court, borrow money, andtherland than in other European own property.

G. The Dutch and Religious Toleration 1. New Netherland was a remarkably diverse colony; spoken in New Amsterdam. eighteen different languages were 2. The Dutch were more tolerant in religious matterstill had an official religion, the Dutch Reformed s than other European countries, but they Church. 3. Governor Petrus Stuyvesant denied open practice of other religious faiths. 4. No one in New Netherland was forced to attend thdifferent religious beliefs. e Dutch Reformed Church or executed for

H. Settling New Netherland 1. Cheap livestock and free land after six years ofsettlers. labor were promised in an attempt to attract 2. A plan was adopted to offer large estates to pattenants for agricultural labor. roons, shareholders who agreed to transport

I. New Netherland and the Indians

  1. The Dutch came to trade, not to conquer, and werhumanely, although conflict was not completely avoie determined to treat the Indians more ded.
  2. Dutch authorities recognized Indian sovereignty it had been purchased. over the land and forbade settlement until

J. Borderlands and Empire in Early America 1. A borderland is a "meeting place of peoples wherclearly defined." e geographical and cultural borders are not 2. Boundaries between empires, and between colonists and native peoples, constantly shifted. a. In some areas, the Indians were weakened. b. At the edges, European power was unstable, and noemerged. set pattern of cultural interactions 3. Indians often wielded power and pitted Europeans against each other.

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History 1301-CH.1 Outline

Course: United States History I ( HIST 1301)

179 Documents
Students shared 179 documents in this course

University: Dallas College

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History 1301- U.S. History 1
Chapter One
I. Introduction
A. Since the voyages of Columbus, the interconnection of cultures and peoples has taken place on
a global scale.
II. The First Americans
A. The Settling of the Americas
1. "Indians" settled the New World between 15,000 and 60,000 years ago, before the glaciers
melted and submerged the land bridge between Asia and North America.
B. Indian Societies of the Americas
1. North and South American societies built roads, trade networks, and irrigation systems.
2. Societies from Mexico and areas south were grander in scale and organization than those
north of Mexico.
a. North American Indians lacked the technologies Europeans had mastered, such as
metal tools and machines, gunpowder, and the scientific knowledge necessary for
long-distance navigation.
C. Mound Builders of the Mississippi River Valley
1. Built approximately 3,500 years ago along the Mississippi River in modern-day Louisiana, a
community known today as Poverty Point was a trading center for the Mississippi and Ohio
River Valleys.
2. Near present-day St. Louis, the city known as Cahokia, which flourished with a population
of 10,000 to 30,000 around 1200 CE, featured large human-built mounds.
D. Western Indians
1. Hopi and Zuni ancestors settled around present-day Arizona and New Mexico, built large
planned towns with multiple-family dwellings, and traded with peoples as far away as
Mississippi and central Mexico.
2. Indians in the Pacific Northwest lived primarily by fishing and gathering, whereas on the
Great Plains, the Indians hunted buffalo or lived in agricultural communities.
E. Indians of Eastern North America
1. Indian tribes living in the eastern part of North America sustained themselves with a diet of
corn, squash, and beans and supplemented it by fishing and hunting.
2. Native Americans believed sacred spirits could be found in living and inanimate things such
as animals, plants, trees, water, and wind. This idea is known as animism.