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Midterm October Autumn 2020, questions and answers

Practice midterm exam from Fall 2020 at ICC for the course Selling.

Selling (MMT 1313)

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Midterm Pracice Exam


  1. Which of the following is NOT one of the three prescripions of a personal selling philosophy?  Assume the role of the thinker
  2. Terri Milano, employed by a manufacturer of home electronics, ofers assistance to retailers in such areas as credit policies, pricing display and store layout. She also collects informaion regarding acceptance of her irm’s products. She is performing the duies of a(n):  Detail salesperson
  3. Sales engineers are people with extensive knowledge of their product who also:  Communicate the beneits of the product to the customers
  4. Trade selling and missionary (detail) sales are both examples of sales:  Inside the supply chain but not to the consumer
  5. Which of the following is an acivity that would be performed by a customer service representaive (CSR)?  Providing telephone support for installaion
  6. Which of the following sectors would NOT be considered to be part of the service industry?  Chemicals
  7. Salespeople and other markeing-related players in today’s informaion age use personal computers, mobile phones, smartphones, websites, email, instant messaging, blogging, social media sites, and ____ to create value for the customer.  Customer relaionship management applicaions
  8. In addiion to technical skills, many employers expect the professional to bring in new business, oten referred to as ____.  Client development
  9. Independent contractors who represent manufacturers and Internet are ____ salespeople.  Direct
  10. In sales and related occupaions, women compromise approximately ____ percent of the workforce.  50
  11. The highest form of partnering is the:  Strategic selling alliance
  12. The process of building and maintain strong customer relaionships by providing customer value is called:  Customer relaionship management
  13. Customers want quality products and:  Quality relaionships
  14. The four broad strategic areas of the Strategic/Consultaive Selling Model are:

 Not independent of each other 15. The customer strategy always takes into consideraion:  What the customer needs

  1. Sales departments and markeing departments oten compete for:  Financial resources and budget share

  2. Maintaining high ethical standards:  Can strengthen your relaionship with a customer

  3. When a marketer decides to adopt partnering, emphasis will be placed on:  The customer

  4. A well-thought-out plan for establishing, building, and maintaining quality relaionships is a:  Relaionship strategy

  5. In a market characterized by vigorous compeiion, look-alike products and customer loyalty that depends on quality relaionships as well as quality products, the salesperson should fully uilize the:  Relaionship strategy

  6. Reciprocity, as a corporate policy, is:  Occasionally a form of corporate blackmail

  7. Which of the following would be the best applicaion of principles regarding git giving to customers?  Determine the git-receiving policy of the customer’s company

  8. CRM sotware can most likely help a salesperson to:  Fulill commitments to customers

  9. In consultaive sales, the customer’s primary focus is a trustworthy:  Salesperson

  10. In strategic alliance sales, the customer’s primary focus is a trustworthy:  Organizaion

  11. Which of the following is most likely a danger of Internet usage in sales?  Sending inappropriate emails to customers or to each other

  12. Which of the following is a point of view that has most likely eroded character in business?  Corporaions exist to maximize shareholder value

  13. It is important to record the facts of an interacion with a customer in CRM sotware but not your conclusions, because:  This informaion could become available to the customer in the future

  14. Which of the following is most useful in guiding a salesperson in ethical behavior?  Role model provided by sales manager

  15. Which of the following is a general guideline that serves as a foundaion for a personal code of business ethics?  Be honest with yourself and with others

  16. Which of the following is the best topic a salesperson can use to break the ice when talking with a prospect?  Mutual acquaintances

  17. Salespeople who love their products, and possess vast product knowledge, someimes overload their customers with product data they neither need nor want. This pracice is oten called a:  Data dump

  18. Which of the following is buyer beneit that could be used by a person selling automobile ires?  Greater safety

  19. Which of the following statements is true about products and product knowledge?  Complexity and variety of products available and the increasing number of new products complicate the buying process

  20. Which of the following statements regarding product beneits is true?  A beneit provides the customer with personal advantage or gain

  21. The writen proposal is:  The irst “product” the customer receives from you

  22. When developing a product strategy, the salesperson must:  Use feature-beneit analysis

  23. Which of the following is true of sales leters?  The use of the personal pronoun “I” should be minimized in a sales leter

  24. Customized service agreements add value to a sale by:  Incorporaing the customer’s special prioriies, feelings, and needs

  25. The best form of product informaion that can teach salespeople about the product is:  Promoional brochures

  26. Successful sales presentaions convert product features into:  Buyer beneits

  27. The goal of selling strategies for mature and well-established products is to:  Create relaionships

  28. Product posiioning is largely a funcion of:  The way salespeople, with the markeing department, difereniate the product from others in the market

  29. When seing professional fees, which of the following is a point to consider?  Value

  30. The goal of selling strategies for new and emerging products is to:  Build desire for the product

  31. Your ability to separate yourself and your product from that of your compeitors is referred to as:  Difereniaion

  32. Salespeople can analyze their compeitors using a(n):  Compeiive analysis worksheet

  33. A value proposiion:  Is the set of beneits and values the company promises to deliver to customers to saisfy their needs

  34. A good way to determine a customer’s saisfacions is to:  Ask the customer quesions about their needs

  35. Which of the following is a factor that determines the stage in the life cycle a product is in?  The product’s beneits and the importance of the needs it fulills

  36. The stages a product goes through from the ime it is irst introduced to the market unil it is disconinued is called the:  Product life cycle

  37. Salespeople typically focus on a feature-beneit structure during the sales process, but it is important for a salesperson to uncover the product’s emoional buying moive because:  The emoional buying moive inluences the dominant buying moive, which inluences the sale

  38. Which buyer behavior theory focuses the salesperson’s atenion on ive important factors that the customer is likely to consider before making a purchase?  Buyer-resoluion theory

  39. Which of the following moives would most likely make a customer buy from the same business they have been buying from?  Patronage buying moives

  40. According to the buyer resoluion theory, which of the following is an important factor that the consumer is likely to consider before making a purchase?  What is a fair price?

  41. Cross-generaional selling can be a challenge because diferent generaions:  Prefer diferent forms of contact

  42. The three major types of organizaional buying situaions are:  New task buy, straight rebuy, and modiied rebuy

  43. Which type of selling appeals to buyers who prefer to purchase a packaged soluion to a problem from a single seller, thus avoiding all the separate decisions involved in a complex buying situaion?  Systems selling

  44. Which of the following steps in the buying process can cement the relaionship ater the sale is over?  Implementaion

  45. According to Abraham Maslow, self-fulillment (a full tapping of one’s potenial) is achieved through saisfacion of which of the following needs?  Self-actualizaion

  46. When a teenage girl asks her best friends for their opinions on a career opportunity, she is most likely seeking support from which of the following groups?  Reference

  47. Joe Girard’s “Ferris Wheel” concept assumes which of the following?  A certain number of customers will be lost every year by most companies

  48. The sheer number of prospects a sales representaive culivates does not indicate the quality of the sales representaive’s pipeline. Why?

  49. The step in the Presentaion Plan involving anicipaing buyer concerns and using the win-win methods is the:  Negoiaion

  50. The step in the Presentaion Plan involving deciding what to demonstrate and choosing selling tools is the:  Demonstraion

  51. Raymundo is trying to develop a presentaion strategy. One of the prescripions he should follow is:  Prepare objecives

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Midterm October Autumn 2020, questions and answers

Course: Selling (MMT 1313)

5 Documents
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Midterm Practice Exam
1. Which of the following is NOT one of the three prescriptions of a personal selling
Assume the role of the thinker
2. Terri Milano, employed by a manufacturer of home electronics, offers assistance to
retailers in such areas as credit policies, pricing display and store layout. She also collects
information regarding acceptance of her firm’s products. She is performing the duties of
Detail salesperson
3. Sales engineers are people with extensive knowledge of their product who also:
Communicate the benefits of the product to the customers
4. Trade selling and missionary (detail) sales are both examples of sales:
Inside the supply chain but not to the consumer
5. Which of the following is an activity that would be performed by a customer service
representative (CSR)?
Providing telephone support for installation
6. Which of the following sectors would NOT be considered to be part of the service
7. Salespeople and other marketing-related players in todays information age use personal
computers, mobile phones, smartphones, websites, email, instant messaging, blogging,
social media sites, and ____ to create value for the customer.
Customer relationship management applications
8. In addition to technical skills, many employers expect the professional to bring in new
business, often referred to as ____.
Client development
9. Independent contractors who represent manufacturers and Internet are ____
10. In sales and related occupations, women compromise approximately ____ percent of
the workforce.
11. The highest form of partnering is the:
Strategic selling alliance
12. The process of building and maintain strong customer relationships by providing
customer value is called:
Customer relationship management
13. Customers want quality products and:
Quality relationships
14. The four broad strategic areas of the Strategic/Consultative Selling Model are: