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Notes for Maternity

final notes for OB 5th semester. study

Maternity/Pediatrics (NURS 4130)

79 Documents
Students shared 79 documents in this course
Academic year: 2021/2022
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Signs of pregnancy  Chadwicks sign o Bluish-purple discoloration of the vaginal mucosa and cervix  Goodell’s sign o Softening of the cervix  Hegar’s sign o Softening of the lower uterine segment or isthmus Presumptive Signs  Fatigue  Breast tenderness  Nausea and vomiting  Amenorrhea  Urinary frequency  Hyperpigmentation of the skin  Fetal movements  Uterine enlargement  Breast enlargement

Probable signs  Braxton hicks contractions  Positive pregnancy test  Abdominal enlargement  Ballottement  Goodell’s sign  Chadwick’s sign  Hegars sign

Positive Signs  Ultrasound verification of embryo  Fetal movement felt by experienced clinician  Auscultation of fetal heart tones via doppler

Period of greatest environment sensitivity  Greatest consequent risk developing embry  17 to 56 days after conception

Menstrual history Nagelle Rule 9 months + 7 days Or subtract 3 months from last day of menstrual period, add 7 days, and 1 year.

Encourage folic acid (6oo mcg) *prenatals with folic acid to prevent neural tube defects

Elevated levels of maternal serum AFP or amniotic fluid AFP were first linked to the occurrence of fetal neural tube defects.

Follow up visits Every 4 weeks up to 28 weeks Every 2 weeks from 29 to 36 weeks Every week from 37 weeks to birth

First trimester discomforts  Nausea and vomiting  Urinary frequency or incontinence  Constipation  Breast tenderness  Nasal stuffiness, bleeding gums, epistaxis  Cravings  Leukorrhea

Second trimester discomforts Backache Varicosities of the vulva and legs Hemorrhoids Flatulence with bloating

Third trimester  Return of first trimester discomforts  SOB and dyspnea  Heartburn and indigestion  Dependent edema  Braxton hick’s contractions

Amenorrhea  Absence of menses during reproductive years  Two types of primary amenorrhea o Absence of menses by age 14 with absence of development of secondary sexual characteristics.

DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding)  Occurs most often at the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle.  Etiology related to hormone disturbance

Premenstrual Syndrome More serve variant: Premenstrual Dysphoric disorder *Multidimensional approach


Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets Nursing assessment: similar to that for sever preeclampsia

Blood incompatibility ABO incompatibility: Type O mothers and fetuses with type A or B blood Rh incompatibility: Exposure of Rh-negative mother to Rh-positive fetal blood RhoGAM @ 28 weeks and 72 hours after birth

Hydramnios  Amniotic fluid > 2,000 mL  Therapeutic management: close monitoring; removal of fluid, indomethacin  Amniocentesis

Oligohydramnios  < 500 mL of amniotic fluid  Amnioinfusion  Fluid leaking from vagina  Nursing management – assist with amnioinfusion.

Premature Rupture of Membrane ( WATER BREAKING)

 Treatment: no unsterile digital cervical exams until woman is in active labor  Expectant management if fetal lungs are immature  Nitrazine test, fern test, ultrasound

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome  Harmful effect of heroin and other narcotics on newborns is withdrawal, or neonatal abstinent syndrome.  This collection of symptoms may include irritability, hypertonicity, jitteriness, fever, excessive and often high-pitched cry, vomiting, diarrhea, feeding disturbances, respiratory distress, excessive sneezing and yawning

Factors influencing the onset of labor  Uterine stretch  Progesterone withdrawal

 Increased oxytocin sensitivity  Increased release of prostaglandins

Premonitory signs of labor  Cervical changes  Lightening  Increased energy level  Bloody show  Braxton Hicks contractions  Spontaneous rupture of membranes

True vs False Labor  Contraction timing  Contraction strength  Contraction discomfort  Change in contraction activity

Stages of Labor First stage: true labor to complete cervical dilation Consists of two stages:  Latent phase  Active phase

Second stage: cervix 10 cm dilated to birth of baby

Third stage: birth of infant to placental separation - Placental separation - Placental expulsion Fourth stage: 1 to 4 hours following delivery

Signs of placental separation  The uterus rises upward  The umbilical cord lengthens  A sudden trickle of blood is released from the vaginal opening  The uterus changes its shape to globular

Omphalocele  A defect of the umbilical ring that allows evisceration of the abdominal contents into an external peritoneal sac.

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Notes for Maternity

Course: Maternity/Pediatrics (NURS 4130)

79 Documents
Students shared 79 documents in this course
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Signs of pregnancy
Chadwicks sign
oBluish-purple discoloration of the vaginal mucosa and cervix
Goodell’s sign
oSoftening of the cervix
Hegars sign
oSoftening of the lower uterine segment or isthmus
Presumptive Signs
Breast tenderness
Nausea and vomiting
Urinary frequency
Hyperpigmentation of the skin
Fetal movements
Uterine enlargement
Breast enlargement
Probable signs
Braxton hicks contractions
Positive pregnancy test
Abdominal enlargement
Goodell’s sign
Chadwick’s sign
Hegars sign
Positive Signs
Ultrasound verification of embryo
Fetal movement felt by experienced clinician
Auscultation of fetal heart tones via doppler
Period of greatest environment sensitivity
Greatest consequent risk developing embry
17 to 56 days after conception
Menstrual history
Nagelle Rule
9 months + 7 days
Or subtract 3 months from last day of menstrual period, add 7 days, and 1 year.
Encourage folic acid (6oo mcg)
*prenatals with folic acid to prevent neural tube defects
Elevated levels of maternal serum AFP or amniotic fluid AFP were first linked to the
occurrence of fetal neural tube defects.