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Time management - Grade: A

Informative argument

Public Speaking (COMMUN 1200)

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Academic year: 2018/2019
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Time management

Specific Purpose: To inform my listeners of how essential time management and the ways it can pave a path of success for college students and fight against procrastination.

Thesis: Time management is an essential skill and cure to procrastination, specifically during college years to assist students in finding ways to prioritize, stay healthy, and make the grade.


I. Attention Getter: I believe as though I am the queen of procrastination as many of us probably are. I would be lying if I told you all that my project due this past Friday at 11:59 was turned in a second before... No really I can show you the proof. I made it on the dot. Time management, it’s an issue I have personally struggled with since early on. As I have continued through college I have realized it is no place for procrastination and it’s time for me to whip my time management skills into shape.

II. Thesis: Time management is an essential skill and cure to procrastination, specifically during college years to assist students in finding ways to prioritize, stay healthy, and make the grade.

III. Credibility (Interest and Expertise)- After much research and different approaches to keep myself in order I believe I have found productive methods to manage time and keep myself on the road to success. Even though I don’t ALWAYS use my skills

IV. Relevance Statement: As a college student sleep is essential. Making the choice to go to class some days or take a nap is something I consider once a week if not more. Learning to manage your time can also help you as a college student manage your sleep.

V. Preview of Main Points a. Prioritize b. Stay healthy or less stressed c. Get better grades.


I. Today I am going to start by discussing how you can prioritize tasks to which you can do by separating your calender into the most important things first

A. You can separate what needs to be put in order from a higher significance and get those tasks done first instead of getting done your quick easy tasks.

  1. In an article titled “The Real Reasons you Procrastinate” by Ana Swanson. She says... “It usually happens when people fear or dread, or have anxiety about, the important task awaiting them. To get rid of this negative feeling, people procrastinate — they open up a video game or Pinterest instead. That makes them feel better temporarily, but unfortunately, reality comes back to bite them in the end.” I relate to this because I find my own self wanting to watch just a few more episodes of Grey's anatomy or check my instagram feed just one more time before I begin my project or essay.

  2. By getting your most stressful and most important tasks out of the way you can knock them out and not have to have them stuck in the back of your head preventing you from doing something leisurely.

B. To make sure you actually follow up on your priorities as you planned, you can stay organized with a written to-do list in the form of daily and hourly calendars.

  1. An article written by M. Simmering emphasizes on the need for your calendar to be detailed and complete (Simmering, 2006).

  2. For example, this article says that it is important to document important dates and not just hourly activities. By doing this you can hopefully find time for what you need to get done for the week by avoiding important dates where you may not have as much time. Another benefit of having a written, hourly calendar is that it forces you to follow a schedule and stay productive. I’m sure many of you are too familiar with the idea of laying in bed for an excessive amount of time simply debating whether or not to get up and go to the gym or study for your math test.

that we’re striving to get done is for a single letter, your final grade.


A. When it comes to college, time management itself is the concept of finding a day and time for studying, partying, going to class, working out, making it to your sorority meetings, getting involved in clubs, the list goes on. But people often forget to focus on the big picture which is your dedication to your education.

  1. Getting an education isn’t just about going to class for an hour on specific days and then going on about your leisurely life. At the end of the day what really matters is that final percentage on your Canvas page.

  2. When it comes to your grades, an important thing to consider is that there is no such thing as a perfect student. And it is unrealistic to always get perfect grades.

B. The authors from an NYU Time Management article mentioned that although some things need to be closer to perfect than others, paying an unnecessary amount of attention to detail can even turn into a form of procrastination (McGee-Cooper).

  1. The number one thing you can do to strive for the best grade possible is to set goals for yourself. And just try and get it done.

C. Author M. Simmering talks about the need for creating specific goals vs. unspecific goals so that you can actually evaluate your progress. For example, setting a goal to get good grades vs. setting a specific goal of 90% or higher for your nutrition class (Simmering, 2016).

  1. Goal setting is the basis of your success because if you have nothing to strive for, where do you start? Goal setting is also a key to success because if you have too many things to strive for, how to make time for all of them?

TRANSITION: Creating different goals and rating their levels of importance will help

you determine where to fit them in to your schedule and which task you need to accomplish first or put the most effort towards.


I. Review of Main Points- Key time management strategies of creating an hourly calendar

a. Make time for yourself b. Set goals

II. Call to Action- Time management is a necessary skill for students to find a way to juggle all of their activities, stay healthy, and get the grade they want. These are just a few things I have tried and am going to continue trying. But thats just me.

III. Clincher: As an avid procrastinator, I’d say that time management sounds like too much work. But on the contrary, it does sound pretty good to not feeling like you’re your on your last dying breath as your turn in your assignment due at 11:59, at 11:59.

References Simmering, MJ,(2016) A Tale of Three Perspectives. Sage pub. Swanson, Ana (2016) The Real Reasons you procrastinate and how to stop. Washington post McGee-Cooper, Ann. Time Management for Unmanageable People. Dallas, TX: Ann McGee-Cooper & Associates, 1983. NYU

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Time management - Grade: A

Course: Public Speaking (COMMUN 1200)

49 Documents
Students shared 49 documents in this course
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Time management
Specific Purpose: To inform my listeners of how essential time management and the
ways it can pave a path of success for college students and fight against
Thesis: Time management is an essential skill and cure to procrastination, specifically
during college years to assist students in finding ways to prioritize, stay healthy, and
make the grade.
I. Attention Getter: I believe as though I am the queen of
procrastination as many of us probably are. I would be lying if I told you all that
my project due this past Friday at 11:59 was turned in a second before… No
really I can show you the proof. I made it on the dot. Time management, it’s an
issue I have personally struggled with since early on. As I have continued
through college I have realized it is no place for procrastination and it’s time for
me to whip my time management skills into shape.
II. Thesis: Time management is an essential skill and cure to
procrastination, specifically during college years to assist students in finding
ways to prioritize, stay healthy, and make the grade.
III. Credibility (Interest and Expertise)- After much research and
different approaches to keep myself in order I believe I have found productive
methods to manage time and keep myself on the road to success. Even
though I don’t ALWAYS use my skills
IV. Relevance Statement: As a college student sleep is essential.
Making the choice to go to class some days or take a nap is something I
consider once a week if not more. Learning to manage your time can also help
you as a college student manage your sleep.
V. Preview of Main Points
a. Prioritize
b. Stay healthy or less stressed
c. Get better grades.