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Development of Affective Tools

Development of Affective Tools

Bachelor of Secondary Education - English (BSE ENG 1)

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Academic year: 2020/2021
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Topic: Methods of Assessing Affective Tools

1. Methods of Assessing Affective Targets There are three feasible methods of assessing affective traits and dispositions. These methods are teacher observation, student self-report, and peer ratings. (McMillan,2007). since affective are not directly observable, they must be deduced from behavior or what students say about themselves and others. There are variety of psychological measures that assess affective traits, but due to sophistication of such instruments, classroom teachers rarely use them. Instead, own observation and student’s self-reports are mostly used.

There are three considerations in assessing affect. These are :

1. Emotions and feelings change quickly most especially for young children and during early adolescence. Which means that to obtain a valid indication of an individual student’s emotion of feeling, it is necessary to conduct several assessments over a period of time. A single assessment is not enough to see what prevalent affect is. It needs to be repeated over several times. 2. Used varied approaches in measuring the same affective traits as possible. It is better to rely on a single method because of limitation inherent in that method. For example, student’s self -report maybe faked hence may significantly middle in the results. (However, if the self-reports are consistent with the teacher’s observation, then a stronger case can be made.) 3. Decide what type of data or results are needed, is it individual or group data? Consideration of what the purpose of assessment is will influence the method that must be used. For reporting or giving feedback to parents or interested individuals about the learner, individual student information is necessary. Thus, multiple methods of collecting data over a period of time and keeping records to verify judgments made is appropriate. If the assessments are to improve instruction, then the results for group or whole class is more proper to use. This is one of the usefulness of affective assessment. It is reliable to use anonymous student self-report.

1 Teacher Observation Teacher observation is one of the essential tools for formative assessment. However, in this chapter, the emphasis is on how to use this

method so that teachers can make more systematic observation to record students behavior that indicates the presence of targeted affective traits.

In using observation, the first thing to do is to determine in advance how specific behavior relate to the target. It starts with a vivid definition of the trait, then followed by list of student behavior and actions that correspond to positive and negative dimensions of the trait. Behaviors and action are identified initially by listing what the students with positive and negative behaviors do and say. Classify those and create a separate list of the positive behaviors and another list for the negative students behaviors. This list will serve as the initial or starting point of what will be observed. Contained in the table below are some possible student behaviors indicating positive and negative attitude toward learning.

Students Behavior Indicating Positive and Negative Toward Learning

POSITIVE NEGATIVE rarely misses class rarely late to class asks lots of question helps other students works well independently without supervision is involved in extracurricular activities he or she likes school stays after school volunteers to help completes homework tries hard to do well completes extra credit work completes assignments before they are due rarely complains is rarely off-task rarely bothers other students

is frequently absent is frequently tardy rarely asks questions rarely helps other students needs constant supervision is not involved in extracurricular activities says he or she doesn’t like school rarely comes to class early rarely stays after school doesn’t volunteer often does not complete homework doesn’t care about bad grades never does extra credit work never completes assignments before the due date complains sleep in class bother other students stares out window

1.1 Structured Observation Structured observation is different from unstructured observation in terms of preparation needed as well as in the way observation is recorded. In structured observation, more time is needed since checklist or rating forms are to be made since it will be used to record observations. The form is generated from a list of positive and negative behaviors to make it easy and convenient in recording.

Continuation Topic: Methods of Assesing Affective Tools/ Student Self Report

1. Student Self-Report

There are varied ways to express student’s affect as self-report. The most common and direct way is while having a casual conversation or interview. Students can also respond to a written questionnaire or survey about themselves or other students.

1.2 Student Interview

There are different types of personal communication that teacher can use with their students, like individual and group interviews, discussions, and casual conversations to asses affect. It is similar to observation but in here, there is an opportunity that teachers may have direct involvement with the student wherein teachers can probe and respond for better understanding. It is important that the trust must be established so that student’s true feelings and beliefs will be revealed. Without trust, students may simply respond in a way that they will please the teacher even if it is not the true reflections of their real selves.

An advantage of interview is that the teacher can clarify questions, probe where appropriate for clarification of responses, and note non-verbal behavior. On the other hand, students have an opportunity to qualify or elaborate on previous responses. This procedure helps avoid vagueness, a problem normally experienced with measuring affect.

1.2 Surveys and Questionnaires

The second type under self-report method is questionnaires and surveys. The two types of format using questionnaire and surveys are: (a) Constructed Response Format; and (b) Selected- Response Format**.**

Constructed Response Format

It is a straight forward approach asking students about their affect by responding to simple statement or question. Another way to implement constructed-response format is by means of an essay. Essay items provide more in- depth and extensive responses than that of the simple short sentences. Reasons for their attitudes, values and beliefs are expressed better using essays.

Selected Response Format

There are three ways of implanting the selected response format in assessing affective learning outcomes. These are rating scale , semantic differential scale, and checklist. These three ways will be discussed in detail in the succeeding part of this chapter.

The advantage of selected-response formats is that it assures anonymity. It is an important aspect when considering the traits that are personal such as values and self-concept. This self-response formats are considered to be an efficient way of collecting information.

Checklist for Using Student’s Self-Report to Assess Affect (McMillan, 2007)

 Keep measures focused on specific affective traits  Establish trust with students  Match response format to the trait being assessed  Ensure anonymity if possible  Keep questionnaires brief  Keep items short and simple  Avoid negatives and absolutes  Write items in present tense  Avoid double-barreled items

1.2 Peer Ratings

Peer ratings or appraisal is the least common method among the three methods of assessing affect discussed in this chapter. Because of the nature of learners, they do not always take this activity seriously and most often than not they are subjective in conducting this peer rating. Thus, peer rating

Reporter: Recoamar Cebuco

3. Affective Assessment Tools

  • The affective domain encompases behaviors in terms of attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Sets of attitudes, beliefs, and feelings comprise one's value. There are various assessment tools that can be used to measure affect.

3 Checklist

  • Checklist is one of the effective formative assessmenr strategies to monitor specific skills, behaviors, or dispositions of individual or group of students (Burke, 2009).

  • Checklist contain criteria that focus on the intended outcome or target. Checklists help students in organizing the tasks assigned to them into logically sequenced steps that will lead to successful completion of the task. For the teachers, a criteria checklist can be used for formative assessmenrs by giving emphasis on specific behaviors, thinking skills, social skills, writing skills, speaking skills, athletic skills or whatever outcomes are likely to be measured and monitored. Checklist can be used for individual or group cases.

3.1 Criteria for Checklists

  • In planning for criteria that will be used in checklists, the criteria must be aligned with the outcomes that need to be observed and measured. Generally, criterion is defined as a standard that serves as reference for judgment or decision. Popham (1999) explains that when teachers set criteria, the main emphasis is to use these criteria in making judgment regarding the adequacy of student responses and the criteria will influence the way the response is scored.

3.1 Why Use Checklists

  • Checklists should be utilized because these

a. makes a quick and easy way to observe and record skills, criteria, and behaviors prior to final test or summative evaluation.

b. provides information to teachers if there are students who need help so as to avoid failing.

c. provides formative assessments of students' learning and help teachers monitor if students are on track with the desired outcomes.

3 Rating Scale

  • According to Nitko (2001), rating scales can be used for teaching purposes and assessment.
  1. Rating scales help students understand the learning target/outcomes and to focus students' attention to performance.

  2. Completed rating scale gives specific feedback to students as far as their strengths and weaknesses with respect to the targets to which they are measured.

  3. Students not only learn the standards but also may internalize the set standards.

  4. Ratings helps to show each student's growth and progress.

Example: Rating Scale (Attitude towards Mathematics)

Directions: Put the score on the column for each of the statement as it applies to you. Use 1 to 5, 1 being lowest and 5 the highest possible score.


  1. I am happy during Mathematics class
  2. I get tired doing board work and drills.
  3. I enjoy solving word problems.

3.2 Types of Rating Scales

  • The most commonly used type of rating scales are:

  • Never participates; • Participates as much • Participates more

quite, passive as other team members than any other team


3.2 Common Rating Scale Errors

  • The table below contains the common rating scale errors that teachers and students must be familiar with in order to avoid committing such kind of errors during assessment.

Error Description Leniency Error - Occurs when a teacher tends to make almost all ratings toward the high end of the scale, avoiding the low end of the scale. Severity Error - A teacher tends to make almost all ratings toward the low end of the scale. This is the opposite of leniency error. Central Tendency Error - Occurs when a teacher hesitates to use extremes and uses only the middle part of the scale. Halo Effect - Occurs when a teacher lets his/her general impression of the student affect how he/she rates the student on specific dimension. Personal bias - Occurs when a teacher has a general tendency to use inappropriate or irrelevant stereotypes favoring boys over girls, from rich families over from middle- income families, etc. Logical Error - Occurs when a teacher gives similar ratings to two or more dimensions that the teacher believes to be related where in fact they are not related at all. Rater Drift - Occurs when the raters, whose ratings originally, agreed, begin to redefine the rubrics for themselves

Continuation Topic: Affective Assessment Tools

Likert Scale

  • It is simple and widely used self- report method in an assessing affect is the use of likert scale wherein the list of clearly favorable and unfavorable attitude statements is provided. The student asked in different statement.

The likert scale uses the five-point scale

Strongly Agree (SA)

Agree (A)

Undecided (U)

Disagree (D)

Strongly disagree (SD)

  • To determine the minimum and the maximum length of the 5-point Likert type scale, the range is calculated by (5 − 1 = 4) then divided by five as it is the greatest value of the scale (4 ÷ 5 = 0)

  • The scoring of likert scale is based on assigning weights from 1-5 to each position of scale in using attitude scale. It is best to ask anonymous responses. And in interpreting the results, it is important to keep in mind that these is verbal expressions, feelings and opinions that are individual are willing to report. Even under the most ideal conditions, it is best to supplement results for self-report Method that evidence from other sources.

Example 1

Direction: Put a check on a column of each statement applies to you

3. List the statements combining the positive and negative and put the letters of the five-point scale to the left of each statement for easy marking.

4. Add the directions, indicating how to mark answer and include a key at the top of the page if letters are used for each statement.

5. Some prefer to drop the Undecided category so that the respondents will be forced to indicate agreement and disagreement

Semantic Differential Scale

Another common approach to measuring effective traits is to use variations of semantic differential. These scales use adjective pairs that provide anchor of feelings or beliefs that are opposite in direction and intensity. Student would place a check between each pair of adjective that describes positive and negative aspects of a traits.

Example 1

Traits and Attitude in Mathematics Subject


Boring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Interesting

Important_ _ _ _ _ _ Useless

Example 2

  • Semantic differential like other selected- response format is that it makes it easier to assure anonymity. Anonymity is important when the traits are more personal, such as values and self-concept. It is also an efficient way of collecting information. Through this may be an efficient way note that It is not good to ask too many questions. It is important to carefully select those traits that are concerned or included in the defined affective targets or outcomes. It is also good point to have open ended items such as

"comments" or "suggestions".

Sentence Completion

  • The advantage of using the incomplete sentence format is that it, captures whatever what comes to mind from each student, however, there are disadvantage too for this. one of this student they faking their response thinking that the teacher will notice their penmanship, hence students will tend to favorable to liked response of the teacher, another is scoring, which takes more time and is more subjective than the other traditional objective formats.

Example 1

I think the Filipino a subject is ........................

I like my Filipino Teacher the most because ........................

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Development of Affective Tools

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education - English (BSE ENG 1)

999+ Documents
Students shared 1172 documents in this course
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Topic: Methods of Assessing Affective Tools
1. Methods of Assessing Affective Targets
There are three feasible methods of assessing affective traits and
dispositions. These methods are teacher observation, student self-report, and
peer ratings. (McMillan,2007). since affective are not directly observable,
they must be deduced from behavior or what students say about themselves
and others. There are variety of psychological measures that assess affective
traits, but due to sophistication of such instruments, classroom teachers
rarely use them. Instead, own observation and student’s self-reports are
mostly used.
There are three considerations in assessing affect. These
1. Emotions and feelings change quickly most especially for
young children and during early adolescence. Which means that
to obtain a valid indication of an individual student’s emotion of
feeling, it is necessary to conduct several assessments over a period of
time. A single assessment is not enough to see what prevalent affect
is. It needs to be repeated over several times.
2. Used varied approaches in measuring the same affective traits
as possible. It is better to rely on a single method because of
limitation inherent in that method. For example, student’s self -report
maybe faked hence may significantly middle in the results. (However,
if the self-reports are consistent with the teacher’s observation, then a
stronger case can be made.)
3. Decide what type of data or results are needed, is it individual
or group data? Consideration of what the purpose of assessment is
will influence the method that must be used. For reporting or giving
feedback to parents or interested individuals about the learner,
individual student information is necessary. Thus, multiple methods of
collecting data over a period of time and keeping records to verify
judgments made is appropriate. If the assessments are to improve
instruction, then the results for group or whole class is more proper to
use. This is one of the usefulness of affective assessment. It is reliable
to use anonymous student self-report.
1.1 Teacher Observation
Teacher observation is one of the essential tools for formative
assessment. However, in this chapter, the emphasis is on how to use this

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