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TOK example essay M21

Subject: Theory of Knowledge

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Wordcount: 1597
1. “Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust”. Discuss this claim with
reference to two areas of knowledge.
I grew up as Catholic, but articles such as Five Mistakes in Your Bible Translation made
me doubt my faith (Hoffman, 2011). Still, listening to people sing can feel spiritual, these
spiritual experiences have shaped my religious beliefs. Spiritual experiences are important in
religious belief systems and so is shared knowledge. For both personal and shared knowledge,
trust is important. While hearing the song, I trusted the singer; not doubting their intentions.
“Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust”, has many concepts to
define such as “accepting knowledge claims” which may involve agreement but does not need
to. For example, I do not believe in the Christian God, but I still accept my Christian friends’
personal experiences. The beliefs are real to the believer and a non-believer accepts them, even
if they do not share the same view. However, my Christian friends also accept my belief, since
one cannot prove the existence of God. The second part of “Accepting knowledge claims
always involves an element of trust” that stands out is “always”, which means without
exception. The statement thus declares that you can never accept knowledge claims without
trust. “Trust” is very similar to believing in something. Belief has many layers: honesty or
reliability for example. Trust is present in most areas of knowledge that utilize knowledge
communities, such as religious knowledge systems. On the other hand, art has a less clear
connection to trust. These areas of knowledge religious knowledge systems and arts are
examined in this essay.