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Dịch sang tiếng anh 1 - please, help me

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Tiếng anh 1 (ENGL 101E)

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T ả thanh long, h u b ch h : lef green dragon, right white tgerữ ạ ổ

Quan võ: military mandarins

Quan văn: civil mandarins

Tr ụ bi u: obeliskể

Bi đình: stele house

Nghi môn: bronze gate

Âm: yin <> d ương: yang

Tranh t ứ quý: four season image (nếếu trến lăng kh i đ nh thì seẽ g i là bả ị ọ ức phù điếu t ứmùa - bas-relief, sành s ứ porcelain/ˈpɔːsəlɪn/and glassware)

Lầầu, lầu: pavilion

B u tán: wooden canopyử

V ng lầu (trến môẽi c ng ra vào c a kinh thành): watchtowerọ ổ ủ

Nhà gác: guard house (hay còn g i là điếếm canh)ọ

Sần chầầu: Salutaton court

Con Nghế đôầng: Bronze mythical animals, lion’s club

incense-burners: lư hương

Đ o nho: Confucianismạ /kənˈfjuːʃənɪzəm/

Đ o lão: taoismạ /ˈdaʊɪzəm/

Thanh cao, cao quý: noble

Cành vàng lá ng c: Golden tree branches and jade leaves này là đôầ trang trí.ọ

còn k thì seẽ là ch các princesses (thỉ ường t ừ này dùng đ ể ch các cô công chúa)ỉ

Cung n ữ, cung tầần: imperial maid/ / Ladies-in-waitng

Lính tráng: soldiers

Thái giám: eunuch

V ợchính: frst/main wife/lady

V ợ leẽ: concubine/ˈkɒŋkjubaɪn/

Lếẽ ban sóc: Ban soc ceremony - giving calenders ceremony

Lếẽ truyếần lô: announcement of court examinaton result ceremony

Phúc: happiness/blessing/prosperity /prɒˈsperəti/ - tùy ng ữ c nh mình seẽ ch n tả ọ ừ phù h pợ

L c: good fortuneộ

Th : longevityọ

Lến ngôi: to ascend the throne , kếế th ừa ngai vàng: succeed the throne.

Triếầu đ i phong kiếến: feudal dynastyạ

Chếế đ ộphong kiếến feudalism

B chém đầầu: be beheadedị

Đ ứa con hiếếu th o: be a flial son ả

ầếp ủ ầm m u: nursed some plotsư

ph ượng hòang: phoenix

b ệ h , hoàng đếế: His Majestyạ

l t đậ ổngai vàng overturn the kingship.

Tra tầến, hành h : tortureạ

Chiếếu ch : decreeỉ

Phong t ước: enttle

Công lao: merit

T i: sinộ

Tuyến án: sentence

Hoàng h u: Prime Empressậ

Phong t ước v : be conferred the ttle of ị

Đ ức h nh: virtue ạ

H u cung: haremậ

Thi hài: corpse

Hoàng bào: royal robe

V i li m: shroudsả ệ li m: shroud(v)ệ

Long th : dragon bodyể

Quan tài coffin

Ch d , săếc l nh: edictỉ ụ ệ

Bu i lếẽ đ a tang; mourning ceremonyổ ư

Lếẽ đăng quang: ceremony of coronaton

+ A crab _shell_shaped roof (mái vỏ cua): A system of arched /ɑːtʃt/ celling(hệ thống mái cong).

Functions: Conceal the concave /kɒnˈkeɪv/ area between 2 roofs, make outside outstanding

and make the interior much more majestic. (Che đi phần lõm giữa 2 mái, bên ngoài nổi bật và khiến bên trong uy nghi hơn rất nhiều.)

  • A pattern is called “Trung thiem diep oc” (The double eaved roof structure):

*Main hall (chính điện) : five main compartments /kəmˈpɑːtmənt/ with two extra home chests

(năm gian hai chái)

*Front hall (tiền điện): seven main compartments/kəmˈpɑːtmənt/ with two extra home chests

(bảy gian hai chái)

  1. Vocabulary:

Palace carcass /ˈkɑːkəs/ (Sườn nhà): Ironwood (gỗ lim), Ironwood pillars (cột gỗ lim).

II. Single-roof structure

1. Function: use for Auxiliary /ɔːɡˈzɪliəri/ structures (Dành cho các công trình phụ)

  1. Some features:

-Tube -shaped tile (mái ống), Yin and Yang tile (mái âm dương): concave roof tiles and convex /

ˈkɒnveks/ roof tiles.

-House carcass: mainly made of wood

-The systems of truss (hệ thống vì kèo): 4 or 6 colonnades (4 hoặc 6 hàng cột)

-One or two-story roof systems (Hệ thống mái một hoặc hai tầng)

  • 4 or 8 symmetrical roofs (4 hoặc 8 mái đối xứng)

III. Two/three storeys:

(Thai Bình Pavilion/Hiển Lam Pavilion)

  1. Functions: Used for worship, commemorating the ancestors, also resting destination of emperor.

  2. Some features:

-The first storey: 3 compartments with 2 extra home chests.(3 gian 2 chái)

-has staircase

-2 to 3 storeys

  • On a high rectangular platform. (Trên nền cao hình chữ nhật)

IV. Gate with attached pavilion

(Noon Gate)

V. Some kinds of bricks used in Hue Citadel:

  1. Golden bricks/ Kinh chuyên bricks:
  • only used for royal constructions the foundation of the Palace of Supreme Harmony

  • Story about Golden Bricks: âm thanh phát ra khi đi chân lên gạch ni hấn giống như tiếng gõ vào vàng

-Complex production process (quy trình sản xuất phức tạp)-  expensive

  1. Bát Tràng Bricks:

-coated by green or yellow glaze /ɡleɪz/

-produce green/yellow enameled tiles

  1. Vo Bricks

-use for constructing foundation, wall

Đại Nội

I. Feng-shui:

-The circumference is over 10 m

-The Hue Citadal faces the South, it is believed that the emperor turns to the South to govern

the country. The South also symbols for the red colour, means being lucky.

-NorthBlackwinter and the dark

-WestWhite the death (That’s why the tombs generally turn to the West)

-Eastgreen, spring

-On two sides of the Citadel, there are Hen Islet and Da Vien Islet, which symbols for the

Green Dragon on the left and White Tiger on the right.

-The numbers which relate to most structures in the Citadel are 3,5,9,100.

(3three main factors in the life are The Earth, Human and Heaven)

(55 elements: metal, wood, water, fire, Earth)

(9 perfect numerlucky number used for Emperor)

(100an infinite and countless number)

II. Nine Holy Guns

  • the pavilion is supported by 100 strong ironwood columns, they were lacquered with red

color. According oriental concepts, 100 is an infinite and countless number.

  • The left side has a bell and the right one has a drum, following to the rule: bell left and the

drum right.

IV. Bronze gate:

  • was made of 100% of brass.

  • You will see this gate is so colorful, which is called “Phap Lam”. This is a kind of art under

Nguyen Dynasty and it was used to decorate copper stuffs and just for royal structures.

  • Each pillar was carved the images of dragons and clouds, which implies Emperor and


  • Two sides in the South( from South Gate), there are two sentences “Chính trực đẳng bình”

and “Chính đại quang minh”: lead the country straightforwardly and clearly, the monarch

need to conform to the right things and be impartial(ko thiên vị)the declaration of the

political ideal of Minh Mang Emperor and Nguyen Dynasty.

  • Two side in the North(from Thai Hoa Palace), there are two sentences: “Cư nhân do nghĩa”

and “Trung hòa vị dục”: do the harmonious things and the Earth and Heaven will be settled

and all things will flourish. This is like a bright mirror for Nguyen’s Emperors and


  • Thai Dich Lake: people planted lotus and maid-servants put tea into each lotus and collected

them every morning. This kind of tea would be used for royal family.

  • Trung Dao Bridge: just used for Emperor and Mandarins, eunuchs and servants couldn’t

stand here.

V. Rock Kylin

  • It is a combination of 5 animals: dragon(head, scales), deer(body), Horse(leg), wolf(hoof)

and ox(tail)

  • Characteristics: they look cruel, but they are charitable, eat grass, do not drink dirty water,

they are afraid of trampling(dẫm đạp) insects. They are really charitable which is totally

opposite to their appearance

  • The purpose when putting two rock kylin on 2 sides is to observe and check people’s heart.

If someone had bad thoughts, they would be scared when looking at the two kylins.

VI. Salutation Court

-It took place Grand Meetings bimonthly on the first and 15th days of lunar month.

-The Emperor sat solemnly on the throne and only immediate relatives could access to him.

-Other mandarins lined on the Court according to their ranks and titles from first to nineth

grade, civil mandarins on the left, military mandarins on the right. Their positions were

marked by two rows of stone slabs on the court.

VII. The Palace of Surpreme Harmony (It has been restored now)

The name implies that the Emperor leading the country need to keep the balance between

ying and yang, trength and weakness so that everything will flourish.

1. Outside:

-There is a Ho Phu in the middle

-Bottle Gourd(bình hồ lô) a feng-shui symbol absorb the spirit of heaven and earth

-It had “double-house” structure, called The double eaved roof structure. This kind of structure is

used for Important, dignifed / dˈ ɪɡ ɪ n fa d/, noble structures. ɪ

  • The system of Palace carcass / kˈ ɑː ə k s/ was made from ironwood.

-the roof was covered with yellow enameled tles including 3 small roofs overlapping each other

-The paintngs was decorated with the style “alternatng one paitng and one poem”

  1. Inside:

-The gold throne was made from ironwood under the frst emperor reign. It was gilded (dát vàng) and seen as one of the natonal treasures.

-The golden throne has 3 stages. The reason why they didn’t change the throne was because Emperor Minh Mang said that changing the gold throne meant changing the dynasty.

-the wooden canopy over the throne is elaborately carved and gilded.

-there are 80 ironwood collumns which are lacquered and adorned with dragon and cloud designs symbolizing the rendezvous between the monarch and his subjects.

-The poem in the middle of main compartment was seen as the independent declaraton of Nguyen Dynasty.

Văn hiếến thiến niến quôếc/

Xa th ư v n lý đôầ/ạ

Hôầng Bàng khai t ch h uị ậ

Nam ph c nhầết Đụ ường Ngu''

VIII. Lion’s club

-It’s the nineth child of dragon

-charitable and like incense-smoke, so they are usually decorated on incense-burners

-He was the most excellent emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty.

-He issued many policies to support commoners, under Ming Mang reign, the country was so thriving.

-He made great contributon in building the citadel.

-He was also famous for his sexual ability and strength in making love. He had about 500 wives, he always had 5 wives by his side to serve him. And every night, he called 5 concubines to serve him, and afer that 4 of them were pregnant. People believed that he had strong sexual ability because he used a prescripton that was made from Chinese medical herbs. It was popular named “Emperor Minh Mang’s prescripton”

-He had 500 wives and 142 children.

-In the spring of the sixth year of Emperor Minh Mang, it hardly rained in the citadel. And a mandarin supposed that maybe because there were so many concubines, ladies-in-waitng, maid- servants in the forbidden purple city, the negatve and femine air couldn’t circulate and resulted in drought. Then His Majesty decided to reduce the number by 100 to end the disaster.

When maid-servants were chose to live in the Citadel, they must live there forever without getting out to visit their family. Even when they die, their dead bodies would be rolled in a mat and be threw out of the wall, not the gate. Because they believe that this would make their soul be forever in the Citadel.

  1. Thieu Tri Emperor(1840-1847)

-the son of Minh Mang

-lead the country for 7 years

-He had a wife named Tu Du, who lived through 5 reigns of 5 emperor, over 90 years old.

-He had a quite peaceful life, because under Minh Mang reign, the country was so thriving.

-However, he had some difficultes to fnd the successor. At frst, he was about to have the frst son succeed his throne, but this son lacked talents and good virtues. Afer all, he had the second son succeed his throne, Tu Duc-the fourth emperor of Nguyen Dynasty.

-This led to the tragedy “Brother killed another one”.

  1. T ự Đ ức(1847-1883)

-The son of Thieu Tri Emperor

-He had the ttle “a great poet” because of his talent and his love for poetry.

-Because this love, he was critcized that he did nothing but composing poems during 36 years sitting on the dragon throne.

-Tu Duc was a flial son. For him, Mother Queen Tu Du was the number one person. He always tried to satsfy her as much as possible and obeyed her teachings. In each month, on odd days he gave

audiences and on even day he visited her. And he did this regularly during 36 days sitting on the dragon throne. When doing anything from small to big, he always asked for her advice. Even, he had a book called “Book of Kind Mother’s Advice” which was used to write down everything Queen Mother Tu Du taught.

-However, he was also considered as unflial son. Because he made/committed the biggest sin that was having no children. Under feudalism, having no children was seen as the most serious unflial sin. The reason why he had no child was the complicatons afer getting smallpox when he was a boy. So, he adopted 3 sons who belonged to royal family, and these 3 sons became emperors afer all.

-Beside this sin, he was also labeled other 2 sins: one is killing his older brother to be emperor and another is being labeled to betray the country because he lost 6 provinces in the South.

-Therefore, it goes without saying that the life of Tu Duc was full of unpleasant things.

-And indeed, this was the last reign of Nguyen Dynasty that the country was independent.

  1. The bad omen: three emperors in four months.

-Duc Duc (3 days sitting on dragon throne in 1885)- the oldest adopted son. He was dethroned because 4 crimes:

+Cutting a secton from the royal will

+Receiving a Catholic father as an assistant.

+Wearing a color robe during his father’s mourning tme.

+Having sexual affairs with the late Emperor’s ladies-in-waitng.

 He spent his life in prison: lack of food, water. Afer 1 month, he passed away. And his corpse was wrapped in a mat. And two soldiers brought him to his tombs. There was an interestng story about his mourning. At frst, they were about to bring his corpse to Kim Quang pagoda. However, when two soldiers brought him through a small stream at Duy Tan street now, his corpse dropped out. And they thought that His Majesty wanted to be here and decided to bury him there.

-Hi p Hòa( 4 months and 10 days):ệ

+He was forced to be the king although he strongly refused.

+The power belonged to two regents Nguyen Van Tuong and Ton That Thuyet

+Because He wanted to get rid of their abuse of power, he cooperated with French.

+When he wrote a letter about killing Tuong and Thuyet and told a eunuch take it to Trầần Tiếẽn Thành who was believed to do this task, unfortunately, the eunuch met Tuong on his way and because of his doutful gestures, Tuong stoppped him and the scheme was exposed.

+They forced Hiep Hoa to kill himself with “three royal favors used for death”(poison, sword and silk string). The soldiers held emperor’s arms and legs and poured the poison in his mouth.

-He was the third adopted son of Tu Duc.

  • He ofen went on secret trips to understand commoners’ life.

-On tme, he disguised as a nice young student, he went to Kim Long village and met a beautful boat-girl. He asked whether she wanted to be a queen. The girl jofully joked yes. And the she was taken to the imperial city as if in a fairy tale.

  • He always had an tpathies(ác c m) not only with French but also with sycophants. He tried manyả ways to resist French. He trained an army consistng of 50 women. The training was in secret. However, this plan was revealed. The French found the way to overthrone the emperor. They spread a rumor that the Emperor was out of his mind and seize this pretext to arrest him and fnally exile him.
  1. Duy Tan(1907-1916)

-All princes (Emperor Thanh Thai’s son) were well-dressed to present themselves to french officilas. But there was one prince absent, he was Vĩnh San(Duy Tan Emperor). Because of being fond of playing, he slipped under some spare wooden beams for fun. Luckily, They wanted him to be the king because they supposed the emperor were a small boy, fond of playing and foolish enough to be easily controlled.

-However, the emperor had a strong patriotsm. One tme, when he took a bath in the sea and his hand was so dirty. The godyguard washed his hand, and the emperor said we ofen use water our dirty hands. What should we use to wash dirty water? The bodyguard didn’t know the answer and the emperor said that the only way to wash dirty water is using blood. (the word “water” in Vietnamese also means the country. He means that the country was so dirty with the French control, he wanted to get rid of them.

-He took the advantage of Lếnh Ng ưng Đình for secret meetngs but it was revealed and then he was exiled.

  1. Kh i Đ nh(1916-1925)ả ị

-He did nothing to the cause of estalishing the naton but only built some structures like palaces, masions, tombs,...

-In order to do this, he increased the taxes to buy abroad materials to build his own tomb.

-The frst emperor attended the fair in France.

-He was satrized by many people because of his life style. He was trongly affected by French culture

-He liked wearing colorful clothes and he designed his own robe.

-He had 11 wives, but only one son (Bao Dai). There was a rumor that he was gay and Bao Dai was not his son. However, Bao Dai looked like the same with Khai Dinh, it was believe that Bao Dai was the son of D ương Quang L ược, a brother of emperor Khai Dinh’s mother. That’s why they look the same

  1. Bao Dai(1925-1945)

-He was the last emperor of Nguyen Dynasty and Vietnamese feudalism.

-he was douted about his family origin.

-He lived in France at the age of 10.

-He was the puppet king, he didn’t know Vietnamese, he wrote and spoke in french and everything had to translate into French for him to understand.

-He had a special link with the number 13: was born in 1913, sitting on the throne at the age of 13 and for 13 years, 13th emperor, had 13 children and his mourinng taking place at 13 o’clock.(1pm)

IX. Nine Dynastic Urns.

-They are in front of Hien Lam Pavilion.

-They were cast under Minh Mang reign.

-They are 9 Bronze Urns made of copper and zinc

-Each Urn symbols for each Nguyen Emperor with the proper name of each Nguyen emperor(Cao, Nhần, Ch ương, Anh, Ngh , Thuầần, Tuyến, D , Huyếần) ị ụ

-Images in each Urn are about subjects relatng to the images in the country: 9 kinds of fruit trees and food crops, 9 kinds of weapon, 9 kinds of war ship, 9 kinds of stars and so on

-They are like an exhibiton of the variety of Vietnam under the Nguyen Dynasty to show how beautful it was.

X. Hi n Lâm Pavilionể

-The name means this is a place where converge and memorize the contributons and merits of Nguyen Emperors and Mandarins.

-It had 3 stages,

-the staircase is the most sophistcated in the citadel, the handrails were carved into 2 letter: “logevity” and “van”

-The foundaton was paved Bat Trang Bridge, there is a big horizontal lacquered board with 3 words: Hien Lam Cac, its frame was decorated with the images of 9 dragons and clouds.

-The emperor didn’t allow any structure in the citadel to be higer than Hien Lam Pavilion.

XI. Royal Theater(duyet thi duong)

  • It was built under Minh Mang reign

  • It was a place where emperors, royal family, high ranking mandarins came and enjoyed the classical drama.

  • The bell handle is a “Bôầ lao” with a lotus on its. “Bôầ lao” was the third son of dragon. It likes singing and when it sings, its sound can drive the bad things away. That’s why they are usually decorated in bell.

  • The top of the bell was decorated with the images of 4 dragons and 4 phoenixes, they face to face each other.

  • Around the bell, it was carved 8 words “logevity” in 8 different styles.

  • The big bell was not used for heatng, just for exhibiton and like a holy thing to protect the pagoda.

  • In the end, it was carved 8 different instruments and weapons. V. Stone steles around Pagoda

-In the right of the Phuoc Duyen tower, stele “Bell of Pagoda of the heavenly Lady” was erected in 1846 by Emperor Thieu Tri.

-The stele on Tortoise was erected in 1715 by Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu when he visited the Pagoda. This stele was recognized a natonal treasure in 2020. But there are some people drawing into the stele, which destroyed the original feature.

Vi. Triple gate

  • When visitng the historical destnatons in Hue City, visitors can see one of the common features, that is the triple gate.

  • The meaning of triple gate in the Pagoda is that it represents 3 views of Buddhism, they are “H ữu quan”(relatve), “không quan”(irrelatve), trung quan”(integrate between both of them)

  • It also symbols for 3 treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.

  • Another purpose of the triple gate, the middle gate was used for emperor and lef one for civil mandarins and right one for military mandarins. That’s why village or temple gates were built with the design of Triple Gate in case Emperors visited.

  • Triple gate in Buddhism also symbolizes 3 gates of the past, present and future.

  • Each gate has 2 generals: the black one eliminates the cruel things and the white one encourages the good things.

  • There are 12 statues to protect the Pagoda, each statue has weapon and an animal symbolizing the bad personality of human. VI. Đ i Hùng Shrineạ

  • It is the main palace in the Pagoda

  • a superfcial and magnifcent structure

  • There are many brightly bronze Buddha statues.

  • a gilded board with Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu’s inscriptons

VII. story of monk/bodhisattva Thich Quang Duc

-On 11th June 1963, Monk Thich Quang Duc burned himself at crossroads Phan Dinh Phung and Le van Duyen, now is Cach mang thang 8 street and Nguyen Dinh Chieu, HCM City to oppose the harsh policy of religion of Government Ngo Dinh Diem at that tme.

-This is the blue car that lifed monk Thich Quang Duc

-He knelt down to the four directons and seat down in the middle of the street and prayed to Buddha.

-When he put the match down, it burned dramatcally, the fre covered his body but his face didn’t express any fear or pain. Around, other monks and police of Ngo Dinh Diem government also knelt down and cried for his brave acton.

-Before he had burnt himself, he lef 3 advice:

  • when he burned himself, if he falls in front, the restoring movement of Buddhism will fail and if he falls in behind, it will be successful.

+Afer burning, if there is anything that is stll intact, this will show Buddhism is eternal.

+In his mourning, if people feel uncomfortable or worried, they have to stop the mourning ceremony immediately.

And the result is that

+He felt behind and the restoring movement of Buddhism at that tme was successful

+Afer burning, his heart was stll intact even when they burned it again and again, and it is true that Buddhism has existed tll now

+When his students celebrated his mourning, they felt worried and uncomfortable, they decided to stop the ceremony and they was rescued from a trap of Dinh Diem. Dinh Diem Governemt had soliders put bombs on the way of the mourning ceremony going through.

VII. The tomb of Master Thich Don Hau

-In the end of the Pagoda, there is the tomb of Master Thich Don Hau.

-He was the abbot of this Pagoda, he spent his life for charitable actvites, he contributed the development to Buddhism.

-His tomb looks like Phuoc Duyen tower with 7 storeys, but much smaller.

VIII. The story of Buddha.

-The Buddha was born into the ruling Shakya clan. His mother,Maya, dreamt one night that an elephant entered her womb, and 10 lunar months later, while she was strolling in the garden of Lumbini, her son emerged from under her right arm. It is said that Buddha could walk 7 steps right when he was born and each step bloomed a lotus. Afer giving birth the Buddha, his mother died. According to Buddhism, all mothers of Buddha will die afer 7 days.

-He was predicted to reach the peak of the way in religion, however his father didn’t want him to be that. Therefore, when his father heard a monk said that he would start his way when he saw an elderly, a sick person, a dead body and a priest, his father decided to keep him in the palace and prevented him from the outside life. At age 16 he married the princess Yashodhara, who would eventually bear him a son.

Tu Duc Tomb

I. Summary of the Tu Duc’s life


-He was the son of Thieu Tri emperor

-He had the ttle of “a great poet”. He had a great love for poetry. And he spent his life composing many works of poems. However, because of this hobby, he was critcized that he did nothing but composing poems for 36 years sitting on the dragon throne.

-Tu Duc was a flial son. For him, Mother Queen Tu Du was the number one person. He always tried to satsfy her as much as possible and obeyed her teachings. In each month, on odd days he gave audiences and on even day he visited her. And he did this regularly during 36 days sitting on the dragon throne. When doing anything from small to big, he always asked for her advice. Even, he had a book called “Book of Kind Mother’s Advice” which was used to write down everything Queen Mother Tu Du taught.

-However, he was also considered as unflial son. Because he made/committed the biggest sin that was having no children. Under feudalism, having no children was seen as the most serious unflial sin. The reason why he had no child was the complicatons afer getting smallpox when he was a boy. So, he adopted 3 sons who belonged to royal family, and these 3 sons became emperors afer all.

-Beside this sin, he was also labeled other 2 sins: one is killing his older brother to be emperor and another is being labeled to betray the country because he lost 6 provinces in the South.

-Therefore, it goes without saying that the life of Tu Duc was full of unpleasant things.

-And indeed, this was the last reign of Nguyen Dynasty that the country was independent.

II. The process of building tomb.

  • It started to build in 1964.
  • At frst, Tu Duc Emperor was about to name this tomb "Van Nien Co" with the dream of forever will remain forever.
  • the project was expected to complete in 6 years with about 3000 soldiers and laborers, but a supervisor mandarins who wanted to please the emperor said it needed 3 years only.
  • In order to complete the tomb within 3 years instead of 6 years, they forced soldiers and laborers to work hard under difficult situation.
  • In face of heavy exploitation, workers took part in insurrection (cuộc nổi dậy), but it failed after 3 days.
  • Then, Tu Duc decided to change the name “thousand years” into “Humble tomb” or “Modesty Tomb”. And the name of each construction in the tomb has the word “khiêm’ meaning “modesty”.

III. Du Khiem Pavilion and Tinh Khiem Pavilion

It’s a place where the emperor enjoyed the views and took a rest.

IV. Luu Khiem lake and Tinh Khiem Islet

  • At frst it was just a small lake, then the emperor had soldiers deeply dig out. When digging out, there were many fsh suddenly appearing, and this was seen as a lucky event.
  • Tinh Khiem islet was a human-made islet. It used to have a bridge to the islet, but because of the war, the bridge was collapsed.

V. Obelisk

This is like a candle that lights up and direct the way for the emperor.

The higher it is, the more merits the emperor has.

VI. The reason why they do not public the position of buried corpse of the emperor.

It is because when they bury the corpse, they usually put many valuable objects. They are afraid that grave thief will dig out and take them away.

Another reason is that under feudalism, there was a ritual that the enemy digged out the grave to disturb the soul of the dead body.

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T thanh long, h u b ch h : lef green dragon, right white tger
Quan võ: military mandarins
Quan văn: civil mandarins
Tr bi u: obelisk
Bi đình: stele house
Nghi môn: bronze gate
Âm: yin <> d ng: yangươ
Tranh t quý: four season image (nếếu trến lăng kh i đ nh thì seẽ g i là b c phù điếu t mùa - bas-relief,
sành s porcelain /ˈpɔːsəlɪn/and glassware)
Lầầu, lầu: pavilion
B u tán: wooden canopy
V ng lầu (trến môẽi c ng ra vào c a kinh thành): watchtower
Nhà gác: guard house (hay còn g i là điếếm canh)
Sần chầầu: Salutaton court
Con Nghế đôầng: Bronze mythical animals, lion’s club
incense-burners: lư hương
Đ o nho: Confucianism /kənˈfjuːʃənɪzəm/
Đ o lão: taoism /ˈdaʊɪzəm/
Thanh cao, cao quý: noble
Cành vàng lá ng c: Golden tree branches and jade leaves này là đôầ trang trí.
còn k thì seẽ là ch các princesses (th ng t này dùng đ ch các cô công chúa) ườ
Cung n , cung tầần: imperial maid/ / Ladies-in-waitng
Lính tráng: soldiers
Thái giám: eunuch
V chính: frst/main wife/lady
V leẽ: concubine /ˈkɒŋkjubaɪn/
Lếẽ ban sóc: Ban soc ceremony - giving calenders ceremony
Lếẽ truyếần lô: announcement of court examinaton result ceremony
Phúc: happiness/blessing/prosperity /prɒˈsperəti/ - tùy ng c nh mình seẽ ch n t phù h p