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Musterloesung-WS18-Anziehbare Robotertechnologien

Musterlösung zur klausur

Anziehbare Robotertechnologien (23351)

10 Dokumente
Studierenden haben 10 Dokumente in diesem Kurs geteilt
Akademisches Jahr: 2017/2018
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KIT-Department of Informatics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamim Asfour and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Beigl

Reference solution for the exam

Wearable Robotic Technologies

am February 08, 2019, 06:00pm – 07:00 pm

Family name: Given name: Matriculation number:

David Marr 978-

Exercise 1 9 out of 9 points Exercise 2 10 out of 10 points Exercise 3 9 out of 9 points Exercise 4 8 out of 8 points Exercise 5 9 out of 9 points

Total: 45 out of 45 points

Grade: 1.

Exercise 1

  1. Anatomy (a) Reflex: A reflex is an involuntary neural response to a specific sensory stimulus and is a stereotypical behavior in both time and space.

(b) Solution is depicted in picture.

Figure 1: Reflex formation in the spinal cord

  1. (a) Type 1 Slow Twitch: maintaining postures, stabilizing joints Type 2A Fast Twitch Oxidative: swimming, bycycling Type 2B Fast Twitch Glycolytic: sprinting, jumping, weight lifting (b) Motor Unit Properties

Tabelle 1: Motor Unit Properties Type 1 Type IIa Contraction Speed Slow Fast Force of Unit Low High Fatigability Low Medium

  1. Object properties:
    • texture
    • hardness
    • temperature
    • weight
    • volume
    • shape

MF H = mF HglF H = 5 N m

MT = ML + MF H = 85 N m

(b) Force FA

FA = 0_._ 5 · MlAT

FA = 425 N for MT = 85 N m ( FA = 450 N for MT = 90 N m

Exercise 3 Lower Limb Exoskeletons

  1. Ankle Joint: (a) Maximum joint torque during a gait cycle: Maximum torque: Tmax = 1_._ 8 Nmkg For a person with a weight of 100 kg: Tmax = 1_._ 8

[ Nm kg

] ·100 [ kg ] = 180 [ N m ] (b) Phase of the gait cycle where the torque-maximum occurs: Stance-phase 2. Elastic Actuators: (a) The given figure shows a series elastic actuator. The motor is directly connected with the two springs. (b) Schemes of a parallel and a series elastic actuator:

(c) Series elastic actuator: Fserieselastic = Ftotal = Fmotor Parallel elastic actuator: Fparallelelastic = FtotalFmotor (d) Ankle Flexion/Extension, Hip Abduction/Adduction

  • surface EMG signals fail over a period of time because neuronal signal degrade
  • non-constant signals: electrodes move on skin, skin resistance varies due to sweat, etc.
  • Alternative interfaces: - targeted muscle reinnervation closer to the torso (combined with surface EMG as well) - implanted EMG electrodes - direct nerve control - brain EEG electrodes
  1. Design requirements:
  • anatomical correctness
  • weight
  • complexity
  • cost

Exercise 5

  1. Energy Harvesting: impossible, sensor is based on a resistor and therefore passive
  2. Transducer (a) Components: resistance, oscillator, comparator (and possibly an amplifier) (b) Electric circuit: RC circuit
  3. Power and Energy Density: (a) Difference: power density: W / kg energy density: W h / kg energy density takes the factor of time into account (how long is energy availa- ble/stored (b) Energy Buffer with High Power Density: no (c) Exemplary Energy Buffer: one of the following buffers

Figure 3: Classification of battery technologies regarding power and energy density

War dieses Dokument hilfreich?

Musterloesung-WS18-Anziehbare Robotertechnologien

Kurs: Anziehbare Robotertechnologien (23351)

10 Dokumente
Studierenden haben 10 Dokumente in diesem Kurs geteilt
War dieses Dokument hilfreich?
KIT-Department of Informatics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamim Asfour and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Beigl
Reference solution for the exam
Wearable Robotic Technologies
am February 08, 2019, 06:00pm 07:00 pm
Family name: Given name: Matriculation number:
David Marr 978-0262514620
Exercise 1 9 out of 9 points
Exercise 2 10 out of 10 points
Exercise 3 9 out of 9 points
Exercise 4 8 out of 8 points
Exercise 5 9 out of 9 points
Total: 45 out of 45 points
Grade: 1.0