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Chap 12 - Development - tut # 4 PART 1


Intro to Psych (PSYCH1000)

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Academic year: 2021/2022
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Chap 12 - Development - tut # 4 PART 1 Stagelike development: -> Qualitative (butterfly different at each stage) Continuous Development: -> Quantitative (fish only change in size) LONGITUDINAL STUDY: monitoring people of the same age for a long time. CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY: people of different ages at one specific point in time.

SEQUENTIAL DESIGN: both longitudinal & cross-sectional (several groups as they age).

PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT: GERMINAL STAGE (0-2 weeks) - - Sperm fertilizes eggzygote

EMBRYONIC STAGE (3-8 weeks) - - EmbryoPlacenta & umbilical cord develop

FETAL STAGE (9 weeks-birth) - - Fetus28 weeks: can survive premature birth

TDF -> testes -> androgens -> male organs Teratogens (improper development) - - RubellaSTD’s - - Toxinsdrugs

1st trimester: baby grows from a fertilized egg into a moving fetus with eyes, ears, and working organ*baby’ss. heart starts beating 2nd trimester: baby's features develop and you may neurons develop, at end baby starts to blink. be able to feel your baby move, taste buds/sensory

3rd trimester: baby grows quickly to get ready for birth, practice breathing. proximodistal principle-cephalocaudal principle - from head to toefrom the center of the body outward

Critical period: experiences don’t take placewhere behaviors and their neural substrates do not develop normally if specific

Sensitive period: optimal but not essential for these experiences to happen

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Chap 12 - Development - tut # 4 PART 1

Course: Intro to Psych (PSYCH1000)

999+ Documents
Students shared 1157 documents in this course
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Chap 12 -Development - tut # 4 PART 1
Stagelike development:
-> Qualitative (butterfly different at each stage)
Continuous Development:
-> Quantitative (fish only change in size)
LONGITUDINAL STUDY: monitoring people of the same age for a long time.
CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY: people of different ages at one specific point in time.
SEQUENTIAL DESIGN: both longitudinal & cross-sectional (several groups as they age).
GERMINAL STAGE (0-2 weeks)
- Sperm fertilizes egg
- zygote
- Embryo
- Placenta & umbilical cord develop
FETAL STAGE (9 weeks-birth)
- Fetus
- 28 weeks: can survive premature birth
TDF -> testes -> androgens -> male organs
Teratogens (improper development)
- Rubella
- STD’s
- Toxins
- drugs