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Nontraditional Health Care Practices

To supplement conventional treatment, unconventional healthcare method...

 Science Education in the Elementary School (SCED 322 )

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Academic year: 2021/2022
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Nontraditional Health Care Practices

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Nontraditional Health Care Practices To supplement conventional treatment, unconventional healthcare methods have become more prevalent in the United States. Nontraditional medical procedures employ various techniques, such as osteopathic manipulation of the body's internal systems and natural resources (Purnell, 2013). The effectiveness of alternative medicines in treating particular medical conditions has been supported by scientific research. Most American communities have embraced unconventional healthcare techniques transmitted from one generation to the next (Purnell, 2013). This might start at home when family members are taught various courses and skills that can aid them in dealing with particular health problems. These methods are intended to have the same effects as conventional treatment, including efficient healing. Native Americans, Asians, and Chinese people are a few of the cultures that have adapted unconventional healthcare techniques ( Purnell, 2013).

Native Americans Different tribes of Native Americans have adopted various mixtures of health practices. While some of the herbal remedies utilized by Native Americans may not have been thoroughly studied, there is evidence that they share many of the same characteristics and outcomes as contemporary drugs (Kirmayer, 2013). It is possible to link some of the ingredients in modern medications to these herbal cures. Most Native Americans think there is a herb for every sickness and that everything on earth serves a function. The tribe now focuses on nontraditional and alternative MedicineMedicine because of this (Kirmayer,2013). They also think the environment is essential for maintaining and enhancing one's health because it provides access to natural medicines. Since these customs have been passed down orally, most of these treatments are

acupuncture (U Department of Health and Human Services,2019). The use of these herbal products has been tainted with harmful substances and manufacturing flaws, both of which have resulted in severe adverse effects. Although not enough study has been done to show that these treatments successfully cure some of these disorders, most Americans have accepted Traditional Chinese Medicine in conjunction with contemporary medicines to address specific health conditions (U Department of Health and Human Services, 2019).

Importance of these practices in providing holistic and quality health care. According to Native Americans, herbs have been utilized for a very long time in their culture to aid people in resolving various health issues and preventing some health ailments (Kirmayer, 2013). Mixing herbs, natural plants, and roots are one of the procedures. As they consider health to be an expression of spiritual, mental, and physical strength, this culture also engages in various rituals designed to speed up the healing process (Kirmayer,2013). Compared to modern pharmaceuticals that exclusively address physical health, these activities are crucial for enhancing various facets of health. Asian Americans also adopt alternative therapies to treat some chronic conditions that contemporary MedicineMedicine is ineffective at treating (Yoo, Le,&Oda,2014).

Due to geographic limitations that prevent most Asian Americans from accessing healthcare facilities, alternative healthcare practices are crucial in allowing them to obtain essential medication to treat various health conditions (Yoo, Le,& Oda, 2014). Due to the positive outcomes from using these treatments, the incorporation of alternative healthcare methods has also grown in this society. Chinese herbal remedies treat chronic illnesses like heart disease, respiratory conditions, and mental health problems (U Department of Health

and Human Services, 2019). Chinese people use these drugs to enhance their quality of life and deal with specific pain conditions. This includes improving one's physical and mental well- being. People who have pain due to underlying medical disorders can benefit from acupuncture. This method involves stimulating certain spots on the body to produce natural medicines( U Department of Health and Human Services, 2019).

Identify the nontraditional health care options in your areas and the number of people choosing to use them over traditional medical practices. Propose reasons why the number of people using nontraditional health care options is rising. Different alternative healthcare solutions exist in my area and have been used by various people. In my region, using herbs to decrease blood pressure and treat other health conditions is an unconventional healthcare option (Kirmayer, 2013). Some of these chronic conditions are incurable in terms of healthcare. Some plants, however, have been said to be able to treat some of these medical conditions. Most of the residents in my neighborhood, who make up around 50% of the population, claim to have used herbal treatments once or frequently (Kirmayer,2013). The use of massage and yoga to improve brain and body function is another alternative to conventional medical care. In traditional medical settings, it could be challenging to access these procedures. An increasing number of people are engaging in these activities, which is a definite sign of their importance to one's health (Kirmayer, 2013). In my region, yoga and massage are becoming more popular, and the young and elderly, who make up around 80% of the population, are the main participants. A greater understanding of these methods is to blame for this (Oleson, O'fallon, Sherwood, & Chute, 2012). The elderly population, who cannot engage in strenuous exercise, chooses yoga to help them physically and mentally unwind. Most people prefer using natural medicines over synthetic ones that may

Kirmayer, L. (2013). The Cultural Diversity Of Healing: Meaning, metaphor, and mechanism. Heart Views, (1), 39. Oleson, H., O'fallon, A., Sherwood, N., & Chute, S. (2012). Health and Healing: Traditional Medicine and Karen Experience. Journal of Cultural Diversity,19(2),44-49. Purnell, L.(2013). Transcultural health care: A culturally competent approach. Philadelphia: F.A. U Department of Health and Human and Human Services. (2019). National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Traditional Chinese Medicine: What You Need To Know. Retrieved from nccih.nih/health/whatis Yoo, G., Le, M.-N.,&Oda,A.(2014). Handbook of Asian American health. New York: Springer

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Nontraditional Health Care Practices

Course:  Science Education in the Elementary School (SCED 322 )

37 Documents
Students shared 37 documents in this course
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Nontraditional Health Care Practices