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Medical Surgical ATI Review Flashcards Quizlet

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Nursing Nclex review (Nur003)

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Academic year: 2020/2021
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Medical Surgical ATI Review


Terms in this set (695)

Prophylactic DVT Care

-Assess and compare peripheral pulses -Caused by dehydreation, obesity, trauma, malignacy, Hx of thrombosis, hormones, and use of indwelling cath -Nursing actions: prevention, avaoid dangling pt for long periods, anticoagulants, provide adequate hydration

Cardiac cath postoperative care

-Apply an initial dressing of gauze and replace with transparent dressing w/i 24 hr -x ray to ensure placement -assess q8hr

  • Use 10mL or < syringe to flush -Clean port for 3 seconds and allow to dry -flush before, between, and after meds
  • no BP on arm with PICC

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Medical Surgical ATI Review

Ventricular fibrillation

-can cause cardiogenic shock -Dx- ECG, Ech, CT, Cardiac cath, chest x ray -Tx- Cardiac cath, Anticoagulants, defib shock to fix rythem

Assessing arterial line

-check placement -keep pressure -flush before between and after meds -watch for clotting

Eval. pt understanding of digoxin administration

-Hold if apical HR is <60bpm per min -Watch for N&V -Monitor ECG, BP -Take same time each day -take 2 hr before or after antacids

  • If you miss dose take it as soon as you remember

Expected findings following administering Narcan

-Increase Resp. -Pain returns -increase HR -increase BP

Allergic blood transfusion reactions

Mild- Itching, urticaria, flushing- Administer benadryl Anaphylactic- wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness, cyanosis, hypotension -maintain airway, admin. 02, IV fluids, antihistamines, corticosteroids, and vasopressors

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Acute and Chronic kidney: Med Adverse effects

-Avoid antimicrobial, NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors, IV contrast dye -Monitor Digoxin lvl & administer post dialysis -kayexalate to increase elemination of serum potassium -epogen, procrit, to increase RBS stimulation -Iron supplement -Lasix -Amphojel- taken to stop phsophate absorption -take 2 hr before or after digoxin

Preventing complications following a transurethral resection of the prostate

-Urine should be light pink. If red increase irrigation -If cath becomes obstructed turn of CBL and irrigate with 50mL -Record amt. of irrigation and sub. from total to get true output -Instruct pt not to urinate around cath-it will cause bladder spasem -Monitor vitals and bleeding

Teaching colostomy care

Cause odor-fish, eggs, asparagus, garlic, beans, greeen leafy veggie cause gas- green leafy veggies, beer, pop, dairy, corn -Avoid incresed fiber for 2 months post op, drink lots H2O and watch for obstruction when adding fiber

  • proper appliance fit and maintenance prevent odor -refer to counseling if needed

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Head injury: Monitor. for CSF leakage

-CSF leakage from ears or nose -"halo" sign- yellow stain surrounded by blood on a paper towel, fluid tests positive for glucose -report to dr.

Resp. manage. & Mechanical ventilation: Need for suctioning

Suction secretions to maintain airway and tube patency

Monitoring initial does of lisinopril (Zestril)

-may make pt feel dizzy -Monitor BP, HR, and keep on falls precautions -Remind pt top ask for assistance to get up and to move slowly

Self-administering enoxaparin (lovenox)

-Injection given in R or L abdomen -Take only as directed -may inhibit blood clotting

Safer sex practices

-Abstienence is best -Use condoms -Get tested regularly

Complications following extubation

-RR > 30/min or <8/min -BP or HR changes >20% baseline -SaO2 <90% -Dysrhythmias, increased ST segment -Sig. decrease in tidal volume -Labored resp. and increased use of accessory muscles -Restlessness, anxiety, decreased LOC -Monitor for resp. destress or airway obstruction such as ineffective cough, dyspnea, and stridor Medical Surgical ATI Review

Peptic ulcer Disease:


-Heartburn, bloating, N&V -Pain, bloddy emisis or stools -weight loss, med. side effects -Perforation/hemorrhage-pain, rigid abd, rebound tenderness -pernicious anemia dumping syndrom

Burns: Prioritizing emergency interventions

-Airway -fluid and electrolyte -thermoregulation -infection

Cardio Dx: Accessing implanted port

-x ray to confirn placement -document cath placement @ beg. and end of shift (and any time py is moved) -check readings for hemodynamic cath -use 0% sodium chloride of flushing no heparin -Avoid air embolisim -risk for pneumothorax -Risk for dysrhythmias with insertion/movement of line

Dietary restricions for Renal Calculi

-Limit food high in animal protine -reduce calcium intake

Evaluating therapeutic response to blood transfusion

Monitor Vitals I&O and Labs

Evaluating epoetin alfa (Epogen) effectiveness

Monitor hematocrit lab values

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Calculating protein intake 0.8-1/kg

Adverse effects of Garlic therapy

-Effect blood clotting

Laryngeal Cancer and Body Image Disturbance

-Consult speech language path. for clients who have difficulty speaking -Provide comfort to pt who have permenant loss of voice or disfigurment -Refer to counseling servcies as needed

Complications of hemodialysis

-Clotting/Infection of access site -Disequilibrium syndrome -use slow exchange rate

  • Administer anticonvulsant/barbituates if needed -Hypotensoin -IV fluids -Decreased HOB -Anemia -Monitor labs and provide blood products as needed -Infectious Diseases

Clinical manifestations of thoracic outlet syndrome

-Neck, shoulder, and arm pain, numbness -Impaired circulation and flushed sensations to the extremities -Symptoms are reproduced when arm is positioned above the shoulder or extended

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Verifying tip placement of PICC line

x ray verification prior to use Use 10mL or < syringe Tape cath hub to minimize manipulation Remove dressing from distal to proximal note length to help detect cath. migration

Plan of care for pt who has diabetes insipidus

-monitor Vitals and labs -weigh daily -IV therapy -Fall precautions -Add bulk foods and fruit juices -Assess skin turgor and mucous membranes -provide skin and mouth care -encourage pt to drink in response to thirst

Quad cane use with hemiplegia

-Use cane on uneffected side -Advance cane at same time as affected limb -Stairs- -Up with the good and down with the bad

Hemoglobin Female 12- Male 14-

Hematocrit Female 35- Male 42-

RBC 4-5 million

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

Male up to 15 mm

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Medical Surgical ATI Review - Platelets 150,000-400, - Albumin 3- - Total protine 6-8. - Total Lipids 400- - Triglycerides 40-

  • Total cholesterol 130- - CK-MB 50- - Troponin >0.
  • Alkaline Phosphate 30- - Bilirubin < - Amonia 15- - Serum Amylase 56- - Serum Lipase 0-

Sodium 135-

ph (Blood) 7-7.

PaO2 80-

PaCO2 35-

HCO3 22-

Lactate 3-

Glucose 70-

Creatinine 0-1.

BUN 7-

PT 10-

INR 1-

aPTT 30-45 seconds

WBC 5,000-10,

Planning care for a pt undergoing Brachytherapy

If it falls out put in lead lined container and return to radiology

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Precautions for pt who is immunocopromised

-Avoid crowds -Take Temp daily -Avoid food that could contain bacteria -Avoid yard work -Avoid FLuids that have set out -Was dishes in hot soapy water -Wash toothbrush in dish washer or with bleach -Do not share toiletry

Seizures and Epilepsy: Recognizing at risk pt

-Genetic predisposition -Acute febrile state -Head trauma -Cerebral edema -Abrupt cessation of antiepileptic drugs -Infection -Metabolic disorder -Brain tumor -Hypoxia -Acute drug & alcohol withdrawl -Fluid and electrolyte imbalances

Choosing appropriate ) equipment

Nasal Canula Partial rebreather nonrebreather Aerosol mask T piece

Assessment of a pt who has a cervical injury

C4 or above poses risk for impaired spontaneous ventilation because of the involvement of the phrenic nerve

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Acute kidney injury & Chronic kidney disease: Recognizing priority lab valuse

Seerum creatinine gradual increases 1-2mL/dL q 24-48 hr or 1-6 in ine week BUN increased to 80-100 w/i week Urine specific gravity >1-1.

Priority analysis of an ECG strip

MI (chest pain and ST depression or elevation)

Monitoring a pt @ risk for pulmonary embolisim

-Caused by dysrythmia -dyspnea, chest pain, air hunger, decreased o

Interpreting montoux skin test

Red spot- no reaction Raised red bump- reaction 48-72 hours after injection

Recognizing risk factors for atelectasis

Snoring, Stridor Monitor Blood o2 lvl

Cancer screening:Assessing the need for intervention




Diabetes Mellitus: Glycosylated HGB Test (HgbA1c)

4-6% normal target <7% Indicates Blood sugar for last 120 days

Hyperthyroidisim: monitoring lab results

-Serum THS test- decreased -FTI and T3 increased -Thyroid-releasing hormone- failure of expected rise

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Arthoplasty: Post op care following a knee arthoplasty

Prevent complication- DVT, anemia, -Older adults @ higher risk CPM Prevent pressure ulcers

Inflammatory bowel disease: Interpreting lab results

HGB & HCT decreased ESR Increased WBC increased Platelet count increased Serum albumin decreased K, Mg, C decreased

Post op expected findings following coronary artery bypass graft

Splint incision with deep breathing and coughing Consult resp. services Continually monitor HR and rythem Hypertension and Hypotension Chest tube dreain >150mL/hr could mean hemorrage control plan Monitor fluid and electrolyte

Pulmonary embolism: Interventions

Administer O2 therapy nitiate and maintain IV therapy Provide emotional support Monitor changes in LOC and mental status

Heart failure and pulmonary edema: prioritizing interventions

Class I: Pt exhibits no symptoms with activity Class II: Pt has symptoms with ordinary exertion Class III: Pt displays symptoms with minimal exertion Class IV: Pt symptoms @ rest

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Manifestations of left-sided heart failure

-Dyspnea -Orthopena -Nocturnal dyspnea -Fatige -Displaced apical pulse (hypertrophy) _heart Gallop -Pulmonary congestion -Frothy sputum -Altered Mental status -manifestations of organ failure

TB: Client teaching regarding medication therapy

Must take for 6-12 months No alcohol, may interfere with BC, report yellowing skin, drink lots of water, notify provider with vision or hearing changes

Disorders of the eye Analyzing findings

-Monitor for IOP -monitor for decreased vision and light sensitivity -Assess pt for aching or discomfort around the eye -Tx severe plain and nausea with analgesics and antiemetics

Tx hypomagnesemia

-DC mag-lloosing meds (loop diuretics) -Administer oral or IV mag sulf Im can cause pain and tissue damage, oral can cause diarrhea and increase mag depletion -Incourage food high in mag: dairy, dark green leafy veggies

Administering Insulin check glucose before meds if take insulin must eat after

Medical Surgical ATI Review

Health screening

-Physical assessment -Evaluating health perceptions -Identifying risks to health/wellness -identify access to healthcare -Identify obsticals to compliance and adhearance -Belief in prescribed therapy -Availibility of support system -financial restricitions

Post op care: using an incentive spirometer

Clear lung bases bilaterally

Signs and symptoms of aortic disection

  • Sudden onset of "tearing" "ripping" and "stabbing" abd or back pain -Hypovolemic shock -Diaphoresis, N&V, faintness, apprehension
  • decreased or absent peripheral pulses -Neuro deficits -hypotension and tachycardia -Thoracic aortic aneusysim -Severe back pain -Hoarsness, cough, SOB, difficulty swallowing -Decreased urinary output

using Continuious passive motion device

-promote motion in the knee and prevent scar tissue -Full extention to perscribed amt of flexion -Placed and initiated right after surgery -stopped for meals

Menstrual disorders and menopause: Adverse effects of medication

Menopausal Hormone Therapy

  • increased risk for blood clots
  • long term use increases cancer risk Medical Surgical ATI Review
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Medical Surgical ATI Review Flashcards Quizlet

Course: Nursing Nclex review (Nur003)

55 Documents
Students shared 55 documents in this course
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Medical Surgical ATI Review
Science /Medicine /Surgery
Terms in this set (695)
Prophylactic DVT Care
-Assess and compare peripheral pulses
-Caused by dehydreation, obesity, trauma,
malignacy, Hx of thrombosis, hormones, and use
of indwelling cath
-Nursing actions: prevention, avaoid dangling pt
for long periods, anticoagulants, provide
adequate hydration
Cardiac cath postoperative
-Apply an initial dressing of gauze and replace
with transparent dressing w/i 24 hr
-x ray to ensure placement
-assess q8hr
- Use 10mL or < syringe to flush
-Clean port for 3 seconds and allow to dry
-flush before, between, and after meds
- no BP on arm with PICC
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Medical Surgical ATI Review