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Olivia Jones Guided Reflection


Nurs Sit (NUR 3465)

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Academic year: 2020/2021
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Maternity Case 2:

Olivia Jones

Guided Relecion Quesions

Opening Quesions

How did the simulated experience of Olivia Jones’s case make you feel?

I was nervous about this simulaion. The paient was very uncomfortable, and I wanted to make sure I did everything I could to relieve her pain and anxiety. Ater compleing it, I don’t think it was as bad as I anicipated.

Describe the acions you felt went well in this scenario.

The acion that I fell went best was medicaion administraion. I am familiar with Magnesium sulfate and the side efects. Medicaion was veriied by another nurse and administered ater checking it the paient had any allergies.

Scenario Analysis Quesions

EBP What are the indicaions that Olivia Jones’s preeclampsia has progressed?

Indicaions that preeclampsia has progressed are results of LFT’s, current vital signs, electrolytes, the +3 piing edema to bilateral lower extremiies, crackles at the bases of her lungs, low platelets, worsening epigastric pain and headache, clonus 4+ deep tendon relexes.

PCC What should the priority teaching for Olivia Jones include?

Teaching for Olivia Jones should include her plan of care and prognosis of the disease. She should be given raionale for administraion of magnesium sulfate and informed of the possibility for induced labor or c-secion if indicated.

PCC/I Olivia Jones was placed on magnesium sulfate for treatment of her preeclampsia. What are the indicaions for this drug, and what should be taught to the paient regarding side efects?

Magnesium Sulfate is indicated in the treatment of preeclampsia as to prevent its progression into seizure acivity and eclampsia. Side efects usually include GI upset: N/V, diarrhea, and cardiac dysrhythmia.

T&C What key elements would you include in the handof report for this paient? Consider the situaion-background-assessment-recommendaion (SBAR) format.

S- Olivia Jones is a 23-year-old African American female, G1PO at 36 weeks of gestaion admited to L&D for assessment and monitoring. B- Around 30 weeks pt had an elevated BP of 146/92, proteinuria and was developing mild preeclampsia. She was admited with increasing symptoms: Protein dipsick +4, negaive ketones and glucose, +2 dependent edema, and facial puiness. Pt is experiencing nausea, faigue, visual disturbances, epigastric pain, and headaches. A- Pt has piing edema bilat of lower extremiies +3, crackles at base of both lungs, wet nonproducive cough, FHR is 154, deep tendon relexes were brisk, hyperrelexia, w/ clonus, andgraded to a +4, pts complains of headache, nausea, epigastric pain, and blurred spots. R- Reduce simuli in the room, seizure precauions, magnesium sulfate, and communicate with the provider for possible inducion of labor.

S What safety measures should be iniiated while Olivia Jones is in the hospital?

Seizures precauions- pad side rails, have oxygen and sucion bedside, never leave a paient unatended during a seizure. Keep the lights dimmed, reduce simuli, and coninue to monitor paients blood pressure.

S/QI Based on your experience with Olivia Jones’s case, relect on possible nursing acions for enhanced safety and quality improvement.

Checking paient’s V/S including pulse, RR, blood pressure and temperature in a imely manner and assessing FHR. Following medicaion administraion rules, assessing paient for allergies, and implemening safety and seizure precauions are also important to enhance safety and quality improvements.

Concluding Quesions

Relecing on Olivia Jones’s case, were there any acions you would do diferently? Explain.

In the irst scenario I called the NICU and surgery and this was not indicated. Paient did not have to deliver the baby currently. I would coninue to monitor paient for worsening symptoms of preeclampsia.

Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that you obtained in Olivia Jones’s case to an actual paient care situaion.

With the skills learned from the simulaion I would complete a head-to-toe, V/S frequently, check paient for edema, quesion paient about headaches, coughing, swelling of feet, epigastric pain, and visual changes. If blood pressure cannot be managed, I would administer Magnesium Sulfate to prevent seizures. I would educate the paient about the pathophysiology of the disease process and the only way to cure it is delivery of the fetus.

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Olivia Jones Guided Reflection

Course: Nurs Sit (NUR 3465)

95 Documents
Students shared 95 documents in this course
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Maternity Case 2:
Olivia Jones
Guided Reflection Questions
Opening Questions
How did the simulated experience of Olivia Jones’s case make you feel?
I was nervous about this simulation. The patient was very uncomfortable, and I wanted to make
sure I did everything I could to relieve her pain and anxiety. After completing it, I don’t think it
was as bad as I anticipated.
Describe the actions you felt went well in this scenario.
The action that I fell went best was medication administration. I am familiar with Magnesium
sulfate and the side effects. Medication was verified by another nurse and administered after
checking it the patient had any allergies.
Scenario Analysis Questions
EBP What are the indications that Olivia Jones’s preeclampsia has progressed?
Indications that preeclampsia has progressed are results of LFT’s, current vital signs,
electrolytes, the +3 pitting edema to bilateral lower extremities, crackles at the bases of her
lungs, low platelets, worsening epigastric pain and headache, clonus 4+ deep tendon reflexes.
PCC What should the priority teaching for Olivia Jones include?
Teaching for Olivia Jones should include her plan of care and prognosis of the disease. She
should be given rationale for administration of magnesium sulfate and informed of the
possibility for induced labor or c-section if indicated.
PCC/I Olivia Jones was placed on magnesium sulfate for treatment of her preeclampsia. What
are the indications for this drug, and what should be taught to the patient regarding side
Magnesium Sulfate is indicated in the treatment of preeclampsia as to prevent its progression
into seizure activity and eclampsia. Side effects usually include GI upset: N/V, diarrhea, and
cardiac dysrhythmia.
T&C What key elements would you include in the handoff report for this patient? Consider the
situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR) format.