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Shadow Health® │ Digital Clinical Experiences™ from Elsevier nursing diagnosis


Nurs Mental Illness (NURS 226)

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Focused Exam: Schizophrenia Results | Turned In

FALL 2023 NURC 338: Mental Health, NURC 338

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Care Plan : 9 of 13 (73%)

International classification for nursing practice (ICNP) nursing diagnoses (v2019_06_27) [Data set]. (2019). International Council of Nurses (ICN). icn/what-we-do/projects/ehealth-icnptm/icnp-download


Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earned

Risk for negative quality of life Risk for negative quality of life Risk for negative quality of life is the most appropriate diagnosis. The patient’s self- care deficits stem from his trouble coping with the signs and symptoms related to his schizophrenia, which then negatively impacts his quality of life. The patient currently does not exhibit any signs and symptoms that suggest he is at risk for violence.

1 out of 1

Signs & Symptoms

Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earned

Your Results Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/15175216/lab_pass



Subjective Data Collection

Objective Data Collection

Education & Empathy

QSEN Competencies


Care Plan

Program Competency Progress


Student Survey

Nursing Diagnosis 3 out o

Distress caused by hallucinations Distress caused by hallucinations Because “risk for negative qua the most appropriate diagnosi relevant signs and symptoms that indicate a difficulty coping distress. Mr. Ford reports distr difficulty with recognizing his h and paranoid thoughts as unre expresses a remote fear of giv suicidal command hallucinatio

Difficulty discerning reality from fantasy Difficulty discerning reality from fantasy Because “risk for negative qua the most appropriate diagnosi relevant signs and symptoms that indicate a difficulty coping distress. Mr. Ford reports distr difficulty with recognizing his h and paranoid thoughts as unre expresses a remote fear of giv suicidal command hallucinatio

Medication non-adherence Medication non-adherence Because “risk for negative qua the most appropriate diagnosi relevant signs and symptoms that indicate a difficulty coping distress. Mr. Ford reports distr difficulty with recognizing his h and paranoid thoughts as unre expresses a remote fear of giv suicidal command hallucinatio

Fear of giving into suicidal and homicidal command hallucinations

Sleeping 2-3 hours a night Because “risk for negative qua the most appropriate diagnosi relevant signs and symptoms that indicate a difficulty coping distress. Mr. Ford reports distr difficulty with recognizing his h and paranoid thoughts as unre expresses a remote fear of giv suicidal command hallucinatio

Patient will verbalize understanding of a mental health improvement plan to reduce the risk for negative quality of life by end of hospital stay

Patient will verbalize understanding of a mental health improvement plan to reduce the risk for negative quality of life by end of hospital stay

It is not realistic to expect a pa mental illness to be eradicated time frame, if ever; what's app provide the patient with tangib efficacious resources that can gradually improve the patient's health.


Student Response Model Answer Explanation

Educate patient on how his mental illness provides him with the ability to choose his own reality and that he can change his situation

Educate patient on taking ownership of medication adherence and the importance of his support team on managing medication

Your inventions should strive t your patient meet your care p should cover a variety of appr such as: discussing a safety p providing education on coping education on medication adhe engaging their support to help their condition. You can supple discussion with written materia the patient with something con take home and refer to in the Additionally, you can arrange consultation with relevant serv the patient the therapy and me needed to improve their qualit important to listen to your pati to understand what coping me work best. While some patien benefit from a quiet, solitary s Ford has stated that quiet and make his auditory hallucinatio

Educate patient on identifying and utilizing coping mechanisms he has mentioned, which includes quality time with loved ones and listening to or making music

Educate patient on identifying and utilizing coping mechanisms he has mentioned, which includes quality time with loved ones and listening to or making music

Your inventions should strive t your patient meet your care p should cover a variety of appr such as: discussing a safety p providing education on coping education on medication adhe engaging their support to help their condition. You can supple discussion with written materia the patient with something con take home and refer to in the Additionally, you can arrange consultation with relevant serv the patient the therapy and me needed to improve their qualit important to listen to your pati to understand what coping me work best. While some patien benefit from a quiet, solitary s Ford has stated that quiet and make his auditory hallucinatio

Educate patient on the importance of ongoing care with his psychiatrist to manage his schizophrenia

Educate patient on the importance of ongoing care with his psychiatrist to manage his schizophrenia

Your inventions should strive t your patient meet your care p should cover a variety of appr such as: discussing a safety p providing education on coping education on medication adhe engaging their support to help their condition. You can supple discussion with written materia the patient with something con take home and refer to in the Additionally, you can arrange consultation with relevant serv the patient the therapy and me needed to improve their qualit important to listen to your pati to understand what coping me work best. While some patien benefit from a quiet, solitary s Ford has stated that quiet and make his auditory hallucinatio

Educate patient that if suicidal thoughts become urgent or unmanageable, or if the patient’s suicidal thoughts involve lethal means or a plan, he should return to the emergency room immediately for evaluation and treatment

Educate patient that if suicidal thoughts become urgent or unmanageable, or if the patient’s suicidal thoughts involve lethal means or a plan, he should return to the emergency room immediately for evaluation and treatment

Your inventions should strive t your patient meet your care p should cover a variety of appr such as: discussing a safety p providing education on coping education on medication adhe engaging their support to help their condition. You can supple discussion with written materia the patient with something con take home and refer to in the Additionally, you can arrange consultation with relevant serv the patient the therapy and me needed to improve their qualit important to listen to your pati to understand what coping me work best. While some patien benefit from a quiet, solitary s Ford has stated that quiet and make his auditory hallucinatio

Explain the rationale behind your nursing diagnosis.

hi eric, we keep up with this diagnosis based off on what you told me today

Mr. Ford, after our conversation, it’s apparent that you’re having a difficult time coping with your schizophrenia, and the auditory hallucinations and paranoia have become more persistent. This is completely understandable; what you're going through is deeply difficult, confusing, and troubling to live with. The intensity of your hallucinations and your inability to take your schizophrenia medication are having a negative impact on your quality of life. Fortunately, there are resources and coping skills we can work on to help improve your quality of life. I will go over these in more detail with you shortly.

If a patient is exp psychological dis point to discuss y therapeutically, ta to thoroughly exp empathize with th

Explain your goal to Mr. Ford and the interventions and data collections through which you will achieve it.

we would work as a team to help you achieve this goals

We're going to discuss resources you can use to better your mental health over time, including psychotherapy, medication adherence, and a safety plan for if your mental health becomes this unmanageable again. We’ll also discuss how to use coping mechanisms that you can rely on to bolster your mental health in small, meaningful ways. My goal is that you agree to and verbalize your mental health improvement plan to improve your quality of life, and I will ask you to state back your instructions thoroughly and correctly.

You should comm Care Plan to the allowing them to e involvement and own healthcare.

Explicitly ask for Mr. Ford's consent to the Care Plan.

we need your consent to carry out the care plan

Do I have your consent to move ahead with this Care Plan?

A patient must co interventions in th Disagreements a opportunities to p patient education consider alternati

Inform Eric you will now begin educating him and will then call to educate his guardian.

thank you, we would move forward as plan

Mr. Ford, if you don't have any other questions or concerns, we can start discussing your mental health improvement plan.

It's time to begin y interventions, so know!

Student Response Model Answer Explanation

Intervention & Evaluation


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Fully Fully Mr. Ford is able to correctly ar steps in his mental health imp plan without errors or omissio verbally commits to a safety p medication adherence plan, im coping skills, maintaining ongo with his psychiatrist, and inclu support system in the manage schizophrenia. You provide M some written materials to help his mental health improvemen home. Your goal has been full

Your answer is not automatically evaluated by the simulation, but may be reviewed by your instructor.

Prompt Student Response Model Answer Explanation

Did you achieve your goal of having your patient, by the end of his hospital stay, state back and agree to his mental health improvement plan?

Patient was able to verbalize his needs

Mr. Ford is able to correctly articulate the steps in his mental health improvement plan without errors or omissions. He verbally commits to a safety plan, medication adherence, improving his coping skills, maintaining ongoing care with his psychiatrist, and including his support system in the management of his schizophrenia. Your goal has been fully achieved!

Even though patie on its own can be patient's health, m ensure patient co having the patien and agree to thei

Intervention & Evaluation Rationale


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Shadow Health® │ Digital Clinical Experiences™ from Elsevier nursing diagnosis

Course: Nurs Mental Illness (NURS 226)

4 Documents
Students shared 4 documents in this course
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Focused Exam: Schizophrenia Results | Turned In
FALL 2023 NURC 338: Mental Health, NURC 338
Return to Assignment (/assignments/842049/)
Care Plan : 9.6 of 13 (73.8%)
International classification for nursing practice (ICNP) nursing diagnoses (v2019_06_27) [Data set]. (2019).
International Council of Nurses (ICN).
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points
Risk for negative quality of life Risk for negative quality of life Risk for negative quality of life
is the most appropriate
diagnosis. The patient’s self-
care deficits stem from his
trouble coping with the signs
and symptoms related to his
schizophrenia, which then
negatively impacts his quality of
life. The patient currently does
not exhibit any signs and
symptoms that suggest he is at
risk for violence.
1 out of 1
Signs & Symptoms
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points
Your Results Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/15175216/lab_pass.p
Subjective Data Collection
Objective Data Collection
Education & Empathy
QSEN Competencies
Care Plan
Program Competency Progress
Student Survey
Nursing Diagnosis 3.4 out o