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Mental Health Final EXAM


Mental Health Nursing (NUR 2488)

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Mental Health Study Guide FINAL EXAM


  1. A adolescent diagnosed with ADHD is having difficulty completing homework assignments. Which information should the nurse include when teaching the parents about task performance improvement? A. The parents should administer an extra dose of methylphenidate prior to homework. B. The parents should divide the homework task into smaller steps and provide an activity break. C. The parents should isolate the child when completing homework to improve focus. D. The parents should withhold privileges if homework is not completed within a 2-hour period.

  2. The nurse provides a routine wellness examination for a 5-year-old child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Which response by the client’s parent will cause the nurse to intervene? A. “We really like the treatment plan that has been created by our child’s school.” B. “We have a couple of babysitters who know how to handle our child’s needs.” C. “We have recently completed our child’s individualized education plan.” D. “We try to be flexible and change our child’s routine from day to day.”

  3. The nurse is discussing the treatment for a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with a group of school nurses. What would be an appropriate learning setting for a child with ADHD. A. A classroom with a plan of study is followed each day. B. A classroom in which children self-select their activities. C. A classroom with tables and chairs rather than individual desks. D. A classroom with windows facing a playground.

  4. A nurse is working with an adolescent in an inpatient psychiatric unit. The client states, “The therapist told me to fill out this worksheet and write down my automatic thoughts. Do you know what he means?” The nurse understands this type of homework is done to assist which type of therapy? A. Modeling B. Cognitive behavior therapy C. Systemic desensitization D. Flooding

  5. Which finding would a nurse expect when assessing a child diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder? A. The child’s mother and father have an inconsistent parenting style. B. The child previously had an extroverted temperament. C. The child has a history of antisocial behavior. D. The child’s mother was stressed during the pregnancy.

  6. An adolescent client who was diagnosed with conduct disorder at the age of 8 is sentenced to juvenile detention after bringing a gun to school. Which indicates the nurse’s understanding of conduct disorder related to this client’s situation? A. Child-onset conduct disorder is more severe than the adolescent-onset type, and these individuals likely develop antisocial personality disorder in adulthood. B. Childhood-onset conduct disorder has no treatment or cure, and children are diagnosed with this order. C. Childhood-onset conduct disorder is caused by a difficult temperament, and the child is likely to outgrow these behaviors by adulthood. D. Childhood-onset conduct disorder is diagnosed only when behaviors emerge before the age of 5, and therefore improvement is likely.

  7. Which behavioral approach would the nurse utilize when caring for children diagnosed with a disruptive behavior disorder? A. Providing opportunities to learn appropriate peer interactions. B. Reinforcing positive actions to encourage repetition of desired behaviors. C. Involving parents in designing and implementing the treatment process. D. Administering psychotropic medications to improve quality of life.

  8. A young female immigrant presents in the rural health clinic with facial bruising and a fractured nose. The client is reluctant to give details of the nature of her injuries. Which should be a consideration in providing care for this client? A. Immigrants have expedited access to public legal services. B. Most views regarding domestic violence are universal across cultures. C. The client may fear deportation if she seeks public assistance. D. The nurse should ignore the details and focus on treatment.

  9. A highly emotional client presents at an outpatient clinic appointment wearing flamboyant attire, spiked heels, and theatrical makeup. Which personality disorder should a nurse associate with this behavior? A. Histrionic B. Compulsive C. Schizotypal D. Borderline

  10. What is the most challenging nursing intervention with clients diagnosed with personality disorders who use manipulation? A. Supporting behavioral change. B. Using aversive therapy. C. Maintaining consistent limits. D. Monitoring suicide attempts.

  11. While interacting with a client with a diagnosis of anxiety, the client changes the subject and wants to talk about the weather. The nurse knows to use which of the following communication techniques? A. Silence B. Summarizing C. Restating D. Refocusing

  12. Which statement about obsessive compulsive disorder is accurate? A. Most people seek treatment as soon as they observe the symptoms. B. Obsessive compulsive disorder only affects the client’s ability to perform activities of daily living and work, not his or her leisure life. C. Obsessive compulsive disorder usually requires hospitalization. D compulsive disorder treatment is usually outpatient.

  13. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by what criteria? A. Flashbacks and feelings of unreality. B. Behavioral changes in response to panic attacks. C. Fear of going outdoors. D. Excessive worry or anxiety lasting more than 6 months.

Question 22 Psychiatric mental health is reviewing the health record of a client who will soon be admitted. The client health history includes a diagnosis of body dysmorphic disorder , Which of the following should the nurse anticipate?

A. The client has a powerful drive for thinness. B. They will likely exercise compulsively C. They may engage in binging and purging D. The client is fixated on a specific physical law

  1. A goal following the established therapeutic relationship and trust the nurse recognizes which of the following interventions is a priority starting point for the client in the long-term management of anxiety and panic. A. Use ritualistic behaviors before using medications to aid in reducing stress to avoid developing an addiction. B. Establish and set a schedule for therapy three times daily to begin on the day of admission. C. Always keep their short acting medication on their person to use and to prevent anxiety from escalating. D. Recognize situations along with signs and symptoms of escalating anxiety to practice prevention and early intervention.

  2. A 30-year-old client who has been unemployed secondary to the client’s anxiety disorder states that the client would like to have a job where the client is alone and no one needs to evaluate the client’s work. The nurse interprets these comments as an indicator of what? A. Obsessive-compulsive disorder B. Social anxiety disorder C. Agoraphobia D. Panic disorder

Question 29 N nurse working in a psychiatry unit who is caring for someone with generalized anxiety disorder. The client comes to the nurses station at 0700, demanding the nurse call the provider immediately. Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? A. I cant call the doctor is the middle of the night unless its an emergency B. You must be very upset about something C. You are being unreasonable, and I will not call your doctor at this time D. Go back to your room, and I will try to get in touch with your doctor

Question 30 A woman returns home after delivering a still born infant to find that neighbors have dismantled the nursey that she and her husband planned. According to Worden, which indicated the effect the neighbor action may have on the woman’s grieving task completion? a) It communicates full support from her neighbors b) It may hamper the woman from accepting the reality of loss c) It would help the woman forget the sorrow and move on with life d) It would motivate the woman to look to the future and not the past

Question 31 A client tells the nurse that her brother just told ger that he has inoperable pancreatic cancer; which comment would show empathy by the nurse? a) Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat. b) Is he sure about that? what did the doctor say? Did he get a second opinion? c) How upsetting this must be for you? d) I know just how you feel. My neighbor died from pancreatic cancer.

Question 32 A client has been sullen and withdrawn since receiving the news of her cancer diagnosis. As the nurse enters the room, the client ask for assistance with a shower. Which comment by the nurse is the most appropriate? a) Your spouse will be glad to see that you’re feeling better b) I will be glad to assits. Ill be right back with your supplies c) If you look better, you might feel better too d) Taking a shower might wash away some of that gloom and doom

Question for clients with bulimia, nursing interventions are often directed toward improving self-concept and regaining control. Which would be included in the primary intervention? a) Clearly stated unit rules and a supportive milieu b) Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) including self monitoring c) One on one time with psychiatric staff and antidepressant medication therapy d) daily reinforcement of sound dietary principles and medication sessions.

Question 34 Which of the following interventions would require intervention as part of milieu management in the plan of care for a client with anorexia who is admitted for inpatient treatment? a) Unscheduled weight check b) Adherence to a selected menu c) Monitoring a bathroom trips d) Observations during and after meals

Question 35 The nurse is admitting a client with a diagnosis of anorexia. The client shared that they have been hoarding food in the dorm room and eating when feeling particularly anxious and depressed, often during the night. The client states that they have eaten several bags of potato chips and whole packages of cookies in a single setting. The client described feeling so much better when eating these foods but then feels panicky after they have been consumed. That is when self-induced vomiting occurs. “Then I feel more depressed, and the only thing that helps is eating”! I feel so out of control. Which problem statement is most appropriate for the client? a) Altered nutrition. b) Disturbed body image c) Self mutilation d) Ineffective coping

Question 36

The nurse practitioner pans to use a psychoanalytical framework, when treating a client diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Which should be the focus of this nursing intervention? a) Exploring behaviors and defense mechanisms associated with the superego b) Correcting inappropriate behaviors c) Changing a dysfunctional emotional behaviors d) Exploring the here and now with the client and family.

Question 41 Which of the following signs and symptoms supports a diagnosis of depression in an adolescent client SATA. a) Poor self esteem b) Sexually acting out and inappropriate anger c) Exaggerated psychosomatic complaints d) Insomnia and anorexia e) Increase serotonin levels.

Question 42 A 10-year old client prescribed dextroamphetamine has a nursing diagnosis of imbalanced nutrition, less than body requirements related to a side effect of anorexia. Which of the following nursing interventions addresses this client problem? SATA a) Scheduled medication administration after meals b) Increase fiber and fluid intake to prevent constipation c) Monito output and sleep pattern daily d) Administer medication with food to prevent nausea e) Encourage frequent high calorie snacks.

Question A child diagnosed on the autism spectrum may experience repetitive behaviors. Which of the following are examples of repetitive behaviors which could be observed? SATA a) Avoiding body contact b) Language delays c) Flapping their hands d) Limited function play e) Spinning in circles

Question 44 Which of the following findings would a nurse identify that would contribute to a clients development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) SATA a) The client has been diagnosed with dyslexia b) The clients father was a smoker c) The client has a sibling diagnosed with ADHD d) The client is lactose intolerant e) The client had a low birth weight

Question A child diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder begins testing the limits and resisting direction of the staff during activity time. Which nursing intervention would be appropriate? a) Establish a system for rewards for compliance with therapy and consequences for noncompliance b) Escort the client to the seclusion room c) Ignore the behavior as we do not want to reinforce it d) Convey disappointment of the clients behavior

Question 46 A child diagnosed with ADHD returns for a follow up visit since starting lisdexamphetamine the caregiver reports behaviors has improved the child is sleeping OK at night and eats all the time assessment reveals the child has lost a few pounds since last visit and is in the lower percentile for H appropriateness which nursing diagnosis will be most appropriate for this client? a) Altered breathing pattern b) Ineffective coping c) Malnutrition less than body requirements d) Disrupted sleep patterns

Question 47 A nurse is caring for a teenage client with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder who is at high risk for self harm due to poor judgment high risk taking behaviors and impulsivity which of the following is the priority nursing intervention? a) Have the client sit within direct line of sight with the staff only during mealtimes b) Schedule a regular nurse client session daily to discuss daily goals c) Have a staff member assigned for one on one observation at all times

c) I am unable to discuss this, but I can contact my supervisor to speak with you d) the provider will be coming to explain the situation

Question 54 A client suspected of being a victim of abuse enters the emergency department the client is sobbing and states to the nurse I guess you already know my husband beats me from all the bruises on my body I do not know what to do I am afraid he will kill me one of these days. Which response by the nurse is best? a) The fear that your husband will kill you is unfounded b) we can begin by discussing several options that are open to you c) you can legally leave your husband because he has no right to hurt you d) we can begin by listing ways to avoid making your husband angry with you

Question 55 A four year old child is brought by her grandmother to the emergency room due to fever chills and difficulty walking. The nurse tries to remove the excessive clothing off the child but the child is reluctant. After a thorough assessment the nurse also noted bruises around the genital area. Which of the following interventions should the nurse do first? a) Collect the clothing and underwear off the child b) record all findings c) inform law enforcement of possible child abuse d) provide privacy and disregard the behavior of the child

Question 56 The nurse expects that a family caregiver is neglecting an older adult client which of the following statements by the caregiver should the nurse identify as a priority to address? a) We only have enough money for two meals a day b) we buy the prescriptions we can afford c) we cannot afford new batteries for his hearing aid d) we sit outside every afternoon

Question 57 During an interview a six year old child tells a nurse that the child is often left alone at home by the child's parents. Which action should the nurse take? a) Tell the parents about the accusations b) report the child's information to the child protection agency

c) do nothing, the nurse should not get involved in any possible criminal investigation d) continue with the interview and ignore the accusations

Question 58 The nurse is caring for an elderly client who is a inspected victim of elder abuse which nursing intervention is a priority when caring for the client? a) Assess the scope of the abuse problem b) implement measures to ensure the client safety c) teach the client appropriate coping strategies d) analyze open family dynamics

Question 59 What is one reason that that clients suffering from a personality disorder usually do not seek treatment? A. Often do not have health insurance B. do not have identifiable impairment C. cannot be treated D. are unable to recognize their problems

Question 60 Bananas with antisocial personality disorder tell us nurse a, “you're much better than my nurse be said you were”. The client then tells nurse B, “nurse a is upset with you for some reason”. To nurse C, the client states “I think you're great but nurse a says she saw you make three mistakes this morning” The nurse should conclude that these behaviors are intended to have which effect? a) Gain attention b) gain acceptance c) manipulate the staff d) create guilt in the staff

Question 61 Priority intervention for a nurse beginning to work with a client diagnosed with a schizotypal personality disorder A. teach the client how to select clothing for outings B. respect the clients need for periods of social isolation C. engage the client in community activities D. prevent the client from violating the nurses right

Question 66 Is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Which situation should the nurse assess as reflecting Kubler- Ross grief stage of anger? a) The client yells at their spouse stating you have no idea what it feels like, leave me alone. b) The client is a devoted Catholic but refuses to attend church and states that his faith has failed him. c) the client registers for an Ironman marathon to be held in nine months d) the client promises God to give up smoking if allowed to live long enough to witness a grandchild's birth

Question 67 Client is grieving the loss of his wife related to a car accident. The father is concerned about their child. The child is experiencing irritability and crying more. What age is this child? a) Age 3 to 5. b) Age 10- c) age 6 to 9 d) birth to age 2

Question 68 How long does the most acute phase of normal grieving usually last? a) Less than two weeks b) 2-3 weeks c) 4-5 weeks d) 6 to 8 weeks

Question 69 Which graph reaction can the nurse anticipate in a 10-year-old child? a) Thinking that they May have done something to cause the death b) statements that the deceased person will return soon c) progressive behaviors, such as loss of bladder control d) a preoccupation with loss

Question 70 A Hospice client tells the nurse, “life has been good, I am proud of being self educated, I overcame difficulties and always gave my best. I intended to die as I lived”. The nurse planning care for this client will recognize the importance of which action? a) Assisting the client to focus on the meaning in life and death b) supporting the clients use of their own resources to meet challenges c) providing aggressive pain and symptom management d) helping the client reassess and explore existing conflicts

Question 71 A nurse is reviewing the biologic theories associated with borderline personality disorder. The nurse demonstrates understanding of the information by identifying which areas as being associated with brain dysfunction tied to borderline personality disorder? a) Cerebellum b) temporal lobe c) hypothalamus d) limbic system

Question 72 The nurse is educating the spouse of a client with a somatic symptom disorder about how to best help the client. Which strategy should the nurse suggest? a) Keep a log of the client's physical symptom to track improvement b) ignore the clients complaints about physical discomfort and help the client focus on feeling instead c) encourage the client to acknowledge this spouse frustration and helplessness d) empathize about physical discomfort but encourage independence

  1. Women who enter a safe house or shelter often have intense emotions. What emotions can the nurse expect. Select all that apply. A) Relief B) Fear C) Rage D) Guilt E) Depression

  2. Which of the following signs and symptoms supports a diagnosis of depression in an adolescent? (Select all that apply) A) Insomnia and anorexia B) Sexually acting out and inappropriate anger C) Increased serotonin levels D) Poor self-esteem E) Exaggerated psychosomatic complaints

  3. A nurse is reviewing biological theories associated with borderline personality disorder. The nurse demonstrates understanding of the information by identifying which area as being associated with brain dysfunction tied to borderline personality disorder? A) Temporal lobe B) Hypothalamus C) Limbic system D) Cerebellum DUPLICATE WITH NUMBER 71

  4. A nurse is working with the parents of a child with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) to identify strategies to promote positive behaviors. Which of the following strategies should the nurse recommend? A) Role play to act out what is unacceptable behavior B) Encourage the child to participate in extracurricular activities C) Each parent should address inappropriate behaviors separately D) Have the child identify what is inappropriate behavior

  5. A nurse is providing care for a client diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who has been taking methylphenidate for several months. When monitoring for potential adverse effects, the nurse should include what assessments? A) Sexual function B) Orientation to person, place, and time

C) Sleep patterns D) Pupillary response

  1. The nurse is caring for a 16-year-old client with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who is receiving risperidone for agitation. For which affect should the nurse monitor the client? A) Weight loss of 20 pounds in a month B) Improved mood C) Uncontrollable jaw movements D) Signs of bruising

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  1. A nurse in a psychiatric unit is caring for several clients. Which of the following clients should the nurse recommend for group therapy? A) A client who is experiencing mania B) A client who taking amitriptyline for three days for depression C) A client who performs numerous rituals throughout the day D) A client experiencing hallucinations

  2. An adolescent client who was diagnosed with conduct disorder at the age of 8 is sentence to juvenile detention after bringing a gun to school. Which indicates the nurses understanding of conduct disorder related to this client’s situation? A) Childhood-onset conduct disorder is caused by a different temperament, and the child is likely to outgrow behaviors by adulthood B) Childhood-onset conduct disorder has no treatment or cure, and children diagnosed with this disorder are likely to develop progressive oppositional defiant disorder. C) Childhood-onset conduct disorder is diagnosed only when behaviors emerge before the age of 5, and therefore improvement is likely. D) Childhood-onset conduct disorder is more severe than the adolescent- onset type, and these individuals likely develop antisocial personality disorder in adulthood.

  3. Which developmental characteristic would a nurse identify as typical of a client diagnosed with severe intellectual developmental disorder? A) The client can perform some self-care activities independently B) Other than possible coordination problems, the client’s psychomotor skills are not affected C) The client has more advance speech development

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Mental Health Final EXAM

Course: Mental Health Nursing (NUR 2488)

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Mental Health Study Guide FINAL EXAM
4. A adolescent diagnosed with ADHD is having difficulty completing homework
assignments. Which information should the nurse include when teaching the
parents about task performance improvement?
A. The parents should administer an extra dose of methylphenidate prior to
B. The parents should divide the homework task into smaller steps and provide an
activity break.
C. The parents should isolate the child when completing homework to improve
D. The parents should withhold privileges if homework is not completed within a
2-hour period.
5. The nurse provides a routine wellness examination for a 5-year-old child
diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Which response by the client’s
parent will cause the nurse to intervene?
A. “We really like the treatment plan that has been created by our child’s school.”
B. “We have a couple of babysitters who know how to handle our child’s needs.”
C. “We have recently completed our child’s individualized education plan.”
D. “We try to be flexible and change our child’s routine from day to day.”
6. The nurse is discussing the treatment for a child with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with a group of school nurses. What would be an
appropriate learning setting for a child with ADHD.
A. A classroom with a plan of study is followed each day.
B. A classroom in which children self-select their activities.
C. A classroom with tables and chairs rather than individual desks.
D. A classroom with windows facing a playground.

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