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Visual Comm - Milestone 1

Milestone 1 Sophia

Communication Skills

103 Documents
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Academic year: 2022/2023
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Which of the following terms describes the element that surrounds form?

 Pattern

 Space

 Shape

 Surface


Space is what surrounds form and any other positive elements. Shape is

surround by space, and surface and pattern can be found on shapes which

again, are surrounded by space.



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Which of the following statements appropriately analyzes how texture is seen
in this image of a Belgian waffle?
 Texture is seen in the repeating squares of the waffle.
 Texture is seen in the organized arrangement of the squares of the
 Texture is seen in the bumpy imperfections of exterior surface of the


Texture is seen in the bumpy imperfections of exterior surface of the
waffle which can also be physically felt. The squares repeat in a 3 x 5 grid to
create a pattern.


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Which of the following is a visual communications theory that focuses on the
viewer using a series of mental processes?
 Cognitive theory
 The color of the water gradually changes from deep blue to light blue.
 The boats are all anchored closely together.
 The cool blue of the water is a striking contrast to the warm colors of
the beach.


In the image, the boats are anchored closely together to create visual
tension. In contrast, there is space between the smaller elements on the
beach, creating visual relief from the tension created by proximity of the


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How is the element of space used in this photograph?
 The negative space around the woman creates a flat appearance of
space with the sky, woman and the ground.
 The negative space around the woman enables viewers to perceive
 The negative space around the woman appears to be closer to the
camera while the woman appears to be in the background.


Space is used to create negative space around the woman, who serves as
the positive space. Space distinguishes the silhouettes as foreground
elements while separating them from the background elements.


Elements in Context
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Which of the following is an element of visual design?

####### 1


####### 2



Line is an element of design. Unity, balance, and rhythm are principles of


Elements Overview
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Which term is paired correctly with its definition?
 Gradient
The ratio of light to dark in an image
 Chiaroscuro
The subtle use of gradation to create dramatic value
 Value
The level of color saturation in an image


The correct answer is "Chiaroscuro: the subtle use of gradation to create
dramatic value." In visual design, chiaroscuro is the use of gradations in
value to create a sense of volume and form while achieving strong contrast
between light and dark. Value refers to the level of darkness or lightness,
while gradient is the range between the values.


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Which of the following best defines the line element in visual design?
 Line is the use of movement that is defined by its length and direction.
 Line is a dynamic form defined by its length and direction.
 Line is a design element that is not defined by its direction.
 Line is the use of dynamic energy defined by its thickness.


Within the definition for line, there are a few other terms that define
characteristics of line. Dynamic is energy with an effective action, and
direction is the specific movement towards a point or destination.


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Which of the following is a term used in Gestalt Grouping Laws?
 Emphasis
 Selectivity
 Closure
 Kuleshov effect


Closure is the law, connected to the Gestalt theory, that states elements may
be understood as a complete whole if they are aligned, despite missing


Gestalt Theory
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Which of the following best explains why emphasis is important in a design?
 Emphasis creates movement that draws the viewer to all locations in
the design.
 Emphasis creates a focal point for the viewer.
 Emphasis relies on contextual symbolism.
 Emphasis deepens the attraction to the entire design.


A significant way a designer is able to effectively convey a message or idea,
is by dictating where the viewer's eye should go, via a focal point.


Which statement regarding the most prominent design principle in this
painting is true?
 Balance is most apparent because the farmhouse centers the piece,
while the two figures balance each side.
 Emphasis is most apparent because the pitchfork is a central element
in the piece.
 Scale is most apparent because you can determine the size of the
farmhouse based on the size of the figures.
 Contrast is most apparent, due to the contrast between the colors of
the farmhouse and sky (i., white and blue).


The most prominent design principle in the painting is balance, because the
farmhouse centers the piece, while the two figures balance each
side. Although scale is used to some effect, it is not the most prominent
principle in the painting because the main elements are not sufficiently
visible to compare their sizes. The sky and farm house do not display sharp
contrast, due to their similar values, and as compared to the contrast
between the two figures. The pitchfork does not display clear emphasis; it
can be removed with little effect on the true focal point (i., the two figures).


Principles in Context
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Which of the following best defines visual communications?
 A process by which an image transmits a message to a receiver.
 A process by which an image conveys an idea or message to an
audience in order to inform, sell, persuade, educate or entertain.
 A process by which an image focuses on the viewer's personal
interpretation and prior experience.
 A process by which an image sells an idea or message to an audience.


Visual communications is the umbrella term that encompasses the theories
of the perceptual, sensory and transmission models. It is a process by which
an image conveys an idea or message in order to inform, sell, persuade,
educate or entertain an audience.


Visual Communications
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In semiotics, an icon is __________.
 a sign that can be understood because it is logically linked to, or
affected by, what it stands for
 a sign that has no logical connection to what it signifies; the viewer
must learn the connection between the sign and its meaning
 a sign that physically resembles what it signifies
 a precise system for describing signs


An icon is made up of an image or imagery that actually looks like what it
signifies. A crosswalk sign, for instance, clearly resembles what it's trying to
depict, which is, of course, a person crossing a street in a dedicated space.


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Which of the following is the definition of a plane?
 An area within a surface that extends to a specific direction or position.
 The amount of three-dimensional space occupied by a form.
 The third dimension that differentiates form from shape.
 An area that has a width, a height, and a depth.


Within a two-dimensional surface, a plane extends off into a specific direction
or position. A plane itself does not have a three-dimensional quality.
 Asymmetrical balance relates to objects on a central axis.


Asymmetrical balance provides more tension between the elements and it
better navigates viewer's eye flow.


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Which of the following is a description for electromagnetic radiation?
 The unit used to measure light
 The color spectrum
 Light
 Light with the shortest wavelength


Electromagnetic radiation is another name for light - of which the human eye
can only see a small portion called visible light or simply light. The color
spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is able to be
seen by the human eye. Light (always measured in hertz) with the shortest
wavelengths are called gamma rays and invisible to the human eye.


How We See
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Which statement below relates to Constructivism?
 It is a strategy that is often used in modern art.
 It is a theory that has been useful in billboard design.
 It enables viewers to figure out the message, based on their past


Constructivism, a sensory-based theory of visual communications, asserts
that eye movements capture a visual outline, and then the mind "constructs"
understanding. It is helpful in billboard design because designers can think
about how images are interpreted by drivers who pass them quickly.


Other Theories
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Which sentence best describes the contrast principle and why it is
 Contrast is the only way to convey the meaning of an image or design.
 Contrast enables viewers to determine which elements are present in a
 Contrast creates a sense of balance between design elements.
 Contrast affects the readability between different elements in an image
or design.


The contrast principle is important because it creates a focal point,
thus affecting the readability between different elements.


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What is the equation used by a montage to label images?
 A divided by B equals C
 A plus B equals AB
 A minus B equals C
 A plus B equals C


A + B = C is the equation used to define montage theory. Image A, followed
by image B induces a logical next thought represented by image C.
Which statement describes how unity is shown in this painting?
 The large amount of negative space
 The emphasis in the brush strokes
 The contrast between light and dark
 The flow of the body angles


Unity is best shown in this painting by the flow of the body angles. The
complementing angles of the arms, legs and head create a reverse "S" flow
that links the elements of the composition.


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What is the difference between geometric and organic form?
 Geometric form is defined by a simulation of natural substance.
Organic form is mathematically constructed.
 Geometric form is one-dimensional. Organic form is three-dimensional.
 Geometric form can be mathematically constructed. Organic form is
defined by its simulation of natural substance.
 Geometric form lacks depth, and has two shapes. Organic form is
defined by its simulation of natural substance, and is two-dimensional.


Think: Geometry = math, angles and hard edges, whereas Organic = natural,
irregular, curvy and varied contours.


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Which of the following best defines dot?
 Dot is a complex made of size and shape that anchors itself to any
 Dot uses tension to anchor itself to any space.
 Dot uses different design elements to show meaning in a given space.
Different works of art and design will speak to different people, but it's good
to be able to identify the components that make up great works of art in
order to fully understand their construction.


Principles Overview
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Visual Comm - Milestone 1

Subject: Communication Skills

103 Documents
Students shared 103 documents in this course


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21/26 that's 81%
21 questions were answered correctly.
5 questions were answered incorrectly.
Which of the following terms describes the element that surrounds form?
Space is what surrounds form and any other positive elements. Shape is
surround by space, and surface and pattern can be found on shapes which
again, are surrounded by space.
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