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3P Exam Flashcards Quizlet 2

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Advanced Health and Physical Assessment Across the Lifespan (MSN572)

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Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions 6th Edition • ISBN: 9780323414425 Karin VanMeter, Robert Hubert

1,867 solutions

Horner's syndrome

When examining the eyes, the right pupil reacts briskly to light, near effort, and is much smaller than the left pupil. This condition is most likely:

Paralysis of oculomotor cranial nerve (CN III)

Dilated pupil is fixed to light and near accommodation

Argyll Robertson pupils

Pupil appears small and irregular shaped and accommodate but do not react to light.


uncontrolled electrical activity in brain, may produce minor physical signs, thought disturbances or disturbed motor activity or combination of symptoms.

3P Exam Study


neurological disorder, causes involuntary muscle spasms & twisting of limbs.

Bradykinesia impaired ability to adjust to one's body position.

Femoral vein The great saphenous vein enters the deep venous system via:

The Abduction (Valgus) stress test

Maneuver the evaluates function of medial collateral ligament (MCL)

Gray matter The thalamus and basal ganglion are located in the:

Facial tics

brief, repetitive, stereotyped, coordinated movement occurring at irregular intervals (repetitive winking, grimacing and shoulder shrugging)

Daughters of women who took Diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy are at high risk for developing:

columnar epithelium that covers most or all of cervix vaginal adenosis, circular collar or ridge of tissue between cervix & vagina.

Flexor group Group of muscles that lie anteriorly and flex the thigh

Thymus, thyroid gland & anterior part of pericardium

The anterior mediastinal lymph nodes drain lymphatic fluid from the:

The breasts, upper part of the abdominal wall, upper part of back, pectoral region & upper limbs

Axillary lymph node drainage are includes:

trauma, surgery & intranasal use of cocaine or amphetamines.

Possible causes of nasal septum perforation:

3P Exam

Cervical radiculopathy

nerve pain caused by pressure on the spinal nerve roots in the neck region Symptoms: sharp burning or tingling pain in neck & one arm with assiciated paresthesias.

Cervical Myelopathy

cervical cord compression, neck pain associated with bilateral weakness & paresthesias in both upper & lower extremities.

Diastasis Recti

Rectus abdominis muscles separate at midline as tension on abdominal wall increases with pregnancy

10 days to 3 months

How long after exposure to syphilis will symptoms begin to present?


Cervical erosion, erythema, discharge or irritation. Investigate for STI.

Located behind the ethmoid sinuses

Sphenoidal sinuses are located:

Between the eyes & frontal sinuses, located above the eyes.

Ethmoid sinuses are located

between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy

When should an oral glucose tolerance test be performed?

Overflow incontinence small amounts of urine leak from a full bladder in absence of need to urinate

Hypertension In older adults, presence of S4 heart sound suggests:

Aphasia Inability to produce or understand language

3P Exam

Ankle fracture

point tenderness over posterior aspects of right malleolus, inability to bear weight after 4 steps

Vulvar cancer An ulcerated or raised red vulvar lesion in elderly woman may indicate

Manifestation of cerebral palsy

presence of primitive reflexes, delayed gross motor development, lack of progression through developmental milestones.

Axioscapular group Group of muscles that pulls the shoulder backward


When inspecting the shoulder & shoulder girdle, an elevation of right shoulder was noted. This finding could be:

Sensory system

Which are of nervous system coordinates position sense?

Motor system

System consists of neurons that carry signals to skeletal muscles (muscle strength)

Cerebellar system

coordinates movement, maintains equilibrium, and helps maintain posture

Vestibular system System responsible for balance & coordinating eye, head & body movements

on one side, hip flexed & internally rotated

To palpate the trochanteric bursa, position the patient:

Palpebral conjunctiva, skin adjacent to the ear within temporal region.

Pre-auricular nodes drain lymphatic fluid from the:

3P Exam


Which genital infection can cause cervicitis, PID, tubal factor infertility & ectopic pregnancy in women if untreated

Glaucomatous cupping A pale disc with backward depression in characteristic of

HPV type 6 & 11 Which types of HPV causes most cases of genital warts?

HPV type 16 and 18 Which types of HPV lead to majority of cervical cancer cases?

Upward & deep to the quadriceps muscle

Suprapatellar pouch of the knee lies:

Between the patella & overlying skin

The prepatellar bursa lies:

Ptosis Lateral deviation of the eye

Cranial nerve III paralysis

Impaired movements when attempting to look upward, downward or inward

Extra-articular disease This typically involves difficulty with selected regions of the joint & types of movement

Scapulohumeral muscle group Group of muscles including supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor & subscapularis:

35 to 37 weeks gestation When should a vaginal swab of group B streptococcus be obtained in a pregnant woman?

3P Exam

External auditory canal & middle ear

The conductive phase of hearing involves the:

Cochlea & the cochlear nerve Sensorineural phase of hearing involves the:

White matter The part of brain tissue the consists of neuronal axons that are coated with myelin is the:

Histrionic personality disorder

A mental health condition characterized by over-the- top behavior like mental outbursts, noisy display of temper, compulsive attention seeking & self-centered actions is:


Breath sounds heard on chest over the hilar region are:

vesicular breath sounds

Breath sounds heard over periphery of the lung field are:

Near apex of the heart between 5th & 6th intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line

In an adult patient, auscultate sounds from mitral valve:

Median Nerve Nerve in the arm located in ventral forearm, medial to the brachial artery in the antecubital fossa

Ulnar Nerve Nerve runs posteriorly in the ulnar groove between the medial epicondyle & olecranon process

Radial Nerve originates in axilla, travels down the arm in a shallow depression (radial groove) on surface of humerus.

Wernicke's aphasia Type of aphasia where articulation is good but sentences lack meaning

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Athetoid movements

Involentary movements of the body that are slower & more twisting & writhing with larger amplitude than choreiform movements. Involve face & distal extremities.

Intestinal obstruction

During auscultation of abdomen, rushes of high- pitched sounds audible & coincide with abdominal cramps are consistent with:

Peripheral artery disease

The ankle-brachial index is a screening test used to assess risk for:

Superficial to the mastoid process

Posterior auricular lymph nodes are located:

At the angle of the mandible Tonsillar lymph nodes are located:

Symptoms of internal pacemaker failure

Dizziness, lightheadedness, hiccoughs, sudden changes in heart rate, electric shock feeling in chest

Symptoms of peripheral artery disease (PAD)

intermittent claudication, ischemia muscle pain precipitated by predictable amount of exercise & relieved by rest, pale cool skin, cyanosis, audible bruits, diminished or absent pulses & thickened & opaque nails.

Near the apex of the heart between the 5th & 6th intercostal spaces in the mid- clavicular line

Area to auscultate the mitral valve

eyelids, conjunctiva, & skin & mucous membrane of the nose & cheek

The infraorbital or maxillary, buccinator & supramandibular lymph nodes drain lymphatic fluid from the:

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Ventricular septal defect, overriding aorta, pulmonary stenosis & right ventricular hypertrophy

The four classic signs of Tetrology of Fallot:

Costochondritis Chest pain described as stabbing, sticking or dull and aching is characteristic of:

Pericarditis & pleuritic pain Chest pain described as persistent, sharp, knife-like is characteristic of:

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3P Exam Flashcards Quizlet 2

Course: Advanced Health and Physical Assessment Across the Lifespan (MSN572)

79 Documents
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9/17/23, 9:44 AM
3P Exam Flashcards | Quizlet
3P Exam
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Terms in this set (320)
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Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions
Horner's syndrome
When examining the eyes, the right pupil reacts
briskly to light, near effort, and is much smaller than
the left pupil. This condition is most likely:
Paralysis of oculomotor cranial
nerve (CN III)
Dilated pupil is fixed to light and near
Argyll Robertson pupils Pupil appears small and irregular shaped and
accommodate but do not react to light.
uncontrolled electrical activity in brain, may produce
minor physical signs, thought disturbances or
disturbed motor activity or combination of
3P Exam