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1 Markets - Basic Rules of Supply & Demand

Basic Rules of Supply & Demand

Understanding the Global Economy (ECON151)

148 Documents
Students shared 148 documents in this course
Academic year: 2019/2020
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Group of buyers & sellers of a particular g&s “supply” and “demand” refer to the behaviour of people in their market interaction Buyers determine demand Sellers determine supply

Market System

¤ Supply & demand together determine the prices of the economy’s goods and services ¤ In market economies, prices are the signals that guide allocation of resources

Market price

¶ market economy, we exchange goods & services for money ¶ Prices used by participants in the economy to communicate with each other ¶ Determine by buyers & sellers ¶ assume that people are “price-takers” ¶ many buyers and sellers so each has no influence over price causing competitive markets

Demand Curve

downward- sloping/ negatively sloped line relating price to quantity demanded ceteris paribus, lower prices imply a greater quantity demanded

Change in Demand

 shift in the demand curve

 Caused by change in a determinant except price. Determinant ‡ Consumer income (Ability to pay) ‡ Prices of related goods (Willingness to pay)

  • Substitutes
  • Complements
  • Tastes (Willingness to pay)

Quantity demanded

amount of g&s buyers willing & able to purchase at every price Determinant ~ Movement along the demand curve ~ Caused by change in price of product

Shape factor

Diminishing marginal benefit (utility/happiness/satisfaction) ۞ As consumption increases, satisfaction derived from each additional unit of g&s decreases

Opportunity cost ۞ As prices of product increases, cost of choosing that product over others increases

Income Effect ۞ Price increase effectively lowers your disposable income

Substitution Effect ۞ Prices of substitute product relatively cheaper to current product with increased price


Quantity supplied

amount of g&s producers willing & able to sell at every price Determinant ®Movement along the supply curve ®Caused by a change in the market price of product

Shape Factor

Law of diminishing returns  marginal costs increase as a firm produces more of g&s. Firms charge higher prices to maintain, marginal profits = marginal costs

Increasing profits  Higher prices allows producers opportunity to gain more revenue by increase quantity sold


when market is “thick” with lots of seller then steps are relatively small, then the linear approximation X sacrifice much accuracy


Market Allocation

Allocation of resources determined by competitive markets/ free markets/ Laissez-faire

Equilibrium Price

 price that balances supply and demand. On a graph, it is the price at which the supply and demand curves intersect

 Called market clearing price

Buyers want to buy at the lowest possible price... Sellers want to sell at the highest possible price... Essentially trying to “split the difference” between the “buy price” and the “sell price” Leads to equilibrium price

Equilibrium Quantity

quantity that balances supply and demand. On a graph it is the quantity at which the supply and demand curves intersect

Market Equilibrium

 quantity demanded by consumers at prevailing price equals to quantity supplied by producers willing to sell at that price  At (stable) equilibrium no incentive/ tendency for market to change behaviour, ceteris paribus  In equilibrium, those buyers with valuation greater than the market price buy and those sellers with costs less than the market price sell. Others are unable to trade

Market Adjustment

Excess Supply (Surplus)

when quantity sellers wish to sell exceeds that which buyers want to buy

Excess Demand (Shortage)

when quantity buyers wish to buy exceeds that which sellers wish to sell at a given price

Market forces

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1 Markets - Basic Rules of Supply & Demand

Course: Understanding the Global Economy (ECON151)

148 Documents
Students shared 148 documents in this course
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Group of buyers & sellers of a particular g&s
supply” and “demand” refer to the behaviour of people in
their market interaction
Buyers determine demand
Sellers determine supply
Market System
¤Supply & demand together determine the prices of the
economys goods and services
¤In market economies, prices are the signals that guide
allocation of resources
Market price
market economy, we exchange goods & services for money
Prices used by participants in the economy to communicate
with each other
Determine by buyers & sellers
assume that people are “price-takers”
many buyers and sellers so each has no influence over price
causing competitive markets
Demand Curve
downward- sloping/ negatively sloped line relating price to quantity
ceteris paribus, lower prices imply a greater quantity demanded
Change in Demand
shift in the demand curve