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HIST 110 Study Guide 1

Scott Stempson Study Guide for final exam

American History To 1877 (HIST 110)

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  1. Which of the following is considered a “pull” factor for early peoples crossing the Land Bridge and migrating to North America? a. Urge to explore b. Climatic changes c. Starvation d. Fleeing from foes
  2. Which of the following was NOT one of the results of the Counter-Reformation Council of Trent? a. Reaffirmed all 7 sacraments b. Scripture only in Latin c. Acceptance of Luther’s idea of salvation through “Faith Alone” d. Validated the sale of indulgences
  3. Which of the following was NOT part of the Colombian Exchange from the new world to the old? a. Wheat b. Gold c. Corn d. Potatoes
  4. The Aztecs rose to power through _____________. a. Mastery of irrigation b. Domination of long-distance travels c. Careful resource management d. Strategic alliances and military skill
  5. At its height, the population of Cahokia exceeded __________ people. a. 50, b. 15, c. 100, d. 1,
  6. Upon arriving in the Carribean, Columbus was convinced that _______. a. The world had come to an end b. He was near the Asian mainland c. He had discovered a new continent d. He was in the Phillippenes
  7. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the earth between ____________. a. Portugal and France b. Spain and Portugal c. Spain and England

d. The Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church 8. Montezuma intially suspected that Hernan Cortes was _____________. a. Quetzalcoatl b. A lowly merchant c. Jesus Christ d. A spy sent by his enemies 9. __________ challenge to papal authority sparked the Reformation a. John Calvin’s b. Martin Luther’s c. Erasmus’s d. Henry VIII’s 10. __________ gave Walter Raleigh a patent to establish a colony in North Carolina. a. King Henry VIII b. Queen Elizabeth I c. Queen Mary d. Kind Edward VI 11. Juan de Onate and his colonists engaged in violent conflict with the ______ Indians a. Pueblo b. Apache c. Toltec d. Creek 12. Which of the following stood in the way of French plans to expand their country’s beaver trade? a. The Sioux b. The Algonquin c. The Iroquois d. The Huron 13. The Dutch West India Company focused on which of the following? a. Taking over French Canada b. Pushing the Portuguese out of Southeast Asia c. Creating a Dutch empire in the South Atlantic d. Finding a new sea route to Asia 14. __________ chartered the Virginia Company a. James I b. Charles I c. Elizabeth I d. Charles II 15. Which of the following hundred Jametown’s early development? a. The large number of gentlemen among the early arrivals

  1. Under mercantilism, what were colonists supposed to do? a. Consume manufactured goods from the mother country b. Consume manufactured goods from foreign countries c. Consume natural resources from the mother country d. Produce expensive manufactured produced
  2. After eight years of bloodshed, King William’s War ended ___________. a. With a french Victory b. In a stalemate c. With an English victory d. With the Iroquois in a dominant position
  3. What lesson did Spanish officials learn from the Pueblo Revolt? a. To allow the Indian population to govern itself b. To strictly implement the encomienda system c. To always use overwhelming force d. To show greater tolerance toward Pueblo religious traditions
  4. The reign of _______ marked the beginning of the Restoration Era. a. Charles I b. James II c. Charles II d. James I
  5. What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts? a. To increase the prestige of the monarchy b. To limit the political autonomy of British Colonies c. To promote English shipping and trade d. To raise money for a war with France
  6. Which of the following was true of William Penn’s governance of Pennsylvania a. He sought to gain personal control of as much land as possible b. He only allowed Quakers to settle in the colony c. He passed laws limiting the rights of Dutch and German settlers d. He was committed to treating local Indians fairly
  7. By the time of Metacom’s War, _________. a. English colonists outnumbered Indians to southern New England by ten to one b. English colonists outnumbered Indians in southern New England by two to one c. There were roughly 2,000 English colonists in southern New England d. There were fewer than 3,000 Indians in southern New England
  8. Which of the following was a consequence of Bacon’s Rebellion? a. The Virginia planter class abolished the House of Burgesses

b. The virginia planter class sought to increase their authority over indentured servants c. The virginia planter class sought to create a labor force made up of African slaves d. The Virginia planter class lost its political power 9. In Salem, witchcraft hysteria resulted in _________ executions. a. 20 b. 59 c. 162 d. 5 10. The creation fo North Carolina was the result of __________. a. Two rebellions b. A debt crisis c. The Glorious Revolution d. Renewed competition with Spain 11. Prior to turning to African slaves, English colonies used captured Native Americans and __________ as sources of cheap labor. a. Impoverished Europeans b. Prisoners of war c. Asian migrants d. Eatern Europeans 12. In 1662 Virginia passed a law making _______. a. Slavery a hereditary condition b. It illegal to enslave a Christian c. Slavery illegal d. It illegal to enslave an Indian 13. Virginia’s Negro Act of 1705 included which of the following? a. Slave owners could not tortute or otherwise make an example of recaptured runaways b. Slaves had the right to bring lawsuits in court c. When a master or overseer killed a slave whie inflicting punishment, there were automatically free of any felony charges d. If a slave was killed, by law the owner was entitled to a new slave 14. Roughly how many Africans were enslaved and transported to the Americas in the four centuries of the Atlantic slave trade a. 10 million b. 20 million c. 2 million d. 50 million

  1. How many voyages did Columbus make to the New World? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 1
  2. Which of the following was NOT one of the results of the Counter-Reformation Act? a. Reaffirmed all 7 sacraments b. Validated the sale of indulgences c. Scripture only in Latin d. Acceptance of Luther’s idea of salvation through “faith alone”
  3. Where did the British FIRST colonize in North America? a. North Carolina b. New ENgland c. FLorida d. Maryland
  4. Which of the following names would MOST be identified with the Great Awakening? a. Benjamin Franklin b. Colton Mather c. George Whitfield d. John Locke
  5. Most enlightenment thinkers tended to be ________. a. Puritans b. Anglicans c. Presbyterians d. Deists
  6. Which of the following was the first cash crop in the Virginia colony? a. Tobacco b. Corn c. Sugar d. Wheat
  7. Which of the following was NOT one of the 3 c’s of the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony? a. Covenant b. Community c. Commonwealth d. Church
  8. Which was NOT a way the accused died during the Salem WItch Trials?

a. Burned at the stake b. Died in prison c. Hanged d. “Pressed” to death 9. The Bering Land Bridge allowed humans to travel from ___________. a. Europe to Asia b. Asia to North America c. Europe to North America d. Africa to Asia 10. The Aztecs rose to power through _______________. a. Strategic alliances and military skill b. Mastery of irrigation c. Domination of long-distance travels d. Careful resource management 11. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado set out from northern Mexico in search of ________________. a. The Fountain of Youth b. A legendary Aztec Ruler c. Seven golden cities d. Converts to Catholicism 12. ____________ challenge to papal authority sparked the Reformation. a. John Calvin’s b. Martin Luther’s c. Erasmus’s d. Henry VIII’s 13. In the same year Columbus launched his first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ________________. a. Went to war with the Ottoman Turks b. Married, thereby unifying Spain c. Launched a holy war against France d. Succeeded in driving Islam from their realm 14. New Netherland was eventually taken over by _____________. a. England b. Spain c. Fance d. Portugal 15. More than anything else, John Winthrop wanted Massachusetts Bay Colony to be a(n) ___________. a. Independent colony

d. Infused a new spirit of piety and optimism into American Christianity 23. Horses were reintroduced to North America by the ________________. a. English b. Dutch c. Spanish d. French 24. The Aztecs were a tributary empire a. True b. False 25. The 95 Theses were the 95 problems John Calvin had with Martin Luther a. True b. False 26. The French EMpire in North America primarily gained wealth through the fur trapping industry a. True b. False 27. It had been officially determined that the Lost Colony of Roanoke was completely wiped out by the local native population. a. True b. False 28. The Columbian Exchange had a positive effect on the population of Europe a. True b. False 29. Pocahontas would end up marrying British colonist John Smith a. True b. False 30. The headright system was used to promote British colonization in North America a. True b. False 31. The Religious Toleration Act of 1649 was enacted in Maryland to only protect the Catholic population in that colony a. True b. False 32. The Mayflower Compact was actually agreed upon by the passengers on the Mayflower before they disembarked a. True b. False 33. Which of the following was NOT part of the 7 Steps of the Slave Trade? a. Middle Passage

b. Auction c. Captured d. Conversion to Christianity 34. One of the consequences of the Salem Witch Trials was the idea of a separation of church and state a. True b. False 35. William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylvania as a haven for persecuted Puritans a. Trye b. False 36. Metacom’s rebellion occurred in New England a. True b. False 37. The Glorious Rebellion was when the British Civil War ended with the beheading of Charles I a. True b. False 38. A very small percentage of Virginia colonists immigrated as indentured servants a. True b. False 39. Sir Robert Walpole helped emphasize the policy of Salutary Neglect in the colonies a. True b. False 40. The followers of George Whitfield were known as “Old Lights” a. True b. False 41. The main goal of the early colonial warfare was to make Canada the 14th British colony in N. America a. True b. False 42. The Great Awakening tended to be more of an urban phenomenon while the Enlightenment tended to be more rural. a. True b. False 43. A majority of the slaves imported from Africa came to the American colonies a. True b. False

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HIST 110 Study Guide 1

Course: American History To 1877 (HIST 110)

39 Documents
Students shared 39 documents in this course
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1. Which of the following is considered a “pull” factor for early peoples crossing the
Land Bridge and migrating to North America?
a. Urge to explore
b. Climatic changes
c. Starvation
d. Fleeing from foes
2. Which of the following was NOT one of the results of the Counter-Reformation
Council of Trent?
a. Reaffirmed all 7 sacraments
b. Scripture only in Latin
c. Acceptance of Luther’s idea of salvation through “Faith Alone
d. Validated the sale of indulgences
3. Which of the following was NOT part of the Colombian Exchange from the new
world to the old?
a. Wheat
b. Gold
c. Corn
d. Potatoes
4. The Aztecs rose to power through _____________.
a. Mastery of irrigation
b. Domination of long-distance travels
c. Careful resource management
d. Strategic alliances and military skill
5. At its height, the population of Cahokia exceeded __________ people.
a. 50,000
b. 15,000
c. 100,000
d. 1,000
6. Upon arriving in the Carribean, Columbus was convinced that _______.
a. The world had come to an end
b. He was near the Asian mainland
c. He had discovered a new continent
d. He was in the Phillippenes
7. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the earth between ____________.
a. Portugal and France
b. Spain and Portugal
c. Spain and England