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Olivia Jones-Review questions Herring^JEmma

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From vSim for Nursing | Maternity. © Wolters Kluwer Health.
How did the simulated experience of Olivia Jones’s case make you feel?
The simulation made me feel a little anxious but I feel much more confident in my knowledge now
because I got to apply what I have been learning in class.
Describe the actions you felt went well in this scenario.
I think my assessment of the patient and applying the knowledge of the recognizing critical symptoms
of pre-eclampsia. I also thought my patient teaching went well too. A patient will be more calm when
they feel like they have a better understanding of what is happening and why certain things are being
done and that can promote a better patient outcome.
EBP What are the indications that Olivia Jones’s preeclampsia has progressed?
Her blood pressure shot up to 171/102 mmHg, her lungs were filled with fluid so her kidneys were not
filtering correctly, and she had severe headache with nausea. Her brain was beginning to swell
and that could cause much bigger complications.
PCC What should the priority teaching for Olivia Jones include?
The Priority teaching should include expected affects of the magnesium sulfate and the danger signs
of toxicity so they nurse can catch it as soon as possible. Also patient safety and minimizing outside
stimulation is another priority.
PCC/I Olivia Jones was placed on magnesium sulfate for treatment of her preeclampsia. What are the
indications for this drug, and what should be taught to the patient regarding side effects?
Magnesium sulfate is a mineral naturally found within the body and when administerd it is used to
prevent seizures in pregnant women with conditions like yours, pre-eclampsia. If you feel very
The Scenario Analysis Questions are correlated to the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)
competencies: Patient-Centered Care (PCC), Teamwork and Collaboration (T&C), Evidence-Based Practice (EBP),
Quality Improvement (QI), Safety (S), and Informatics (I). Find more information at: