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CS2205 Programming Assignment Unit1

CS2205 Programming Assignment Unit1

Web Programming 1 (proctored course) (CS 2205)

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Academic year: 2021/2022
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Programming Assign. Unit 1

Please provide the following explanations and answers in a single

document and submit it using the Assignment activity below.

1. Identify 3 web sites, which you've visited in the past. Run the HTML

validating software against each site. You can select any of the validating

tools available online.

2. Provide comments on results of your exercise for each web site. Make

sure to list any problems identified. Also provide a link to the validation tool

you used.

3. For each site answer: What works well on this site? What could be



1. Identify 3 web sites, which you've visited in the past. Run the HTML validating software against each site. You can select any of the validating tools available online

Here are the websites I visited:

  1. CNN: edition.cnn/

  2. Fox news: foxnews/

  3. NBC news: nbcnews/

I checked all of those using “w3c markup validation service”.

2. Provide comments on the results of your exercise for each website. Make sure to list any problems identified. Also provide a link to the validation tool you used.


Validator link : validator.w3/nu/ %2F

Here are some of the errors and warnings that the validator identified:

 Html tag was missing the ‘lang’ attribute.  A meta element with an http-equiv attribute whose value is X-UA-Compatible must have a content attribute with the value IE=edge.  Bad value text/html for attribute content on element meta  A document must not include both a meta element with an http-equiv attribute whose value is content-type, and a meta element with a charset attribute.  Bad value for attribute href on element link: Must be non-empty.  CSS: cursor: hand is not a cursor value.  CSS: transition: scale(1,1) is not a transition value.  width: col(7) is not a width value.  The type attribute on the li element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.  Attribute mode not allowed on element li at this point.


Validator link: validator.w3/nu/ s %2F

The validator included total 153 no of errors and warnings. Many of those were repetitive and happening multiple times in the page.

Here are some of the errors that the validator identified:

 The scheme attribute on the meta element is obsolete.  Bad value x-dns-prefetch-control for attribute http-equiv on element meta.  When the srcset attribute has any image candidate string with a width descriptor, the sizes attribute must also be present.  Element source is missing required attribute srcset.  Article lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all articles.  Empty heading.


What works well

 The separation of the contents using div tag  JavaScript for the visually of the pleasing menus

What needs to be improved  Some additional of missing attributes  Attributes that are not allowed on elements are not supposed to be used  Updating obsolete attributes


What works well

 The Styles is properly used to give the site an appealing experience  It renders the content fast  Cross browser compatible

What needs to be improved  Illegal characters in query like space should be corrected  Attributes that are not needed on an element needs to be removed  Empty headings need to be filled

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CS2205 Programming Assignment Unit1

Course: Web Programming 1 (proctored course) (CS 2205)

449 Documents
Students shared 449 documents in this course
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Programming Assign. Unit 1
Please provide the following explanations and answers in a single
document and submit it using the Assignment activity below.
1. Identify 3 web sites, which you've visited in the past. Run the HTML
validating software against each site. You can select any of the validating
tools available online.
2. Provide comments on results of your exercise for each web site. Make
sure to list any problems identified. Also provide a link to the validation tool
you used.
3. For each site answer: What works well on this site? What could be
1. Identify 3 web sites, which you've visited in the past. Run the HTML
validating software against each site. You can select any of the validating tools
available online
Here are the websites I visited:
1. CNN:
2. Fox news:
3. NBC news:
I checked all of those using “w3c markup validation service”.
2. Provide comments on the results of your exercise for each website. Make
sure to list any problems identified. Also provide a link to the validation tool you

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