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WEEK 2 NURS 211L - Nursing Process Worksheet


Nutrition (N225)

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Academic year: 2018/2019
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Date: November 10, Student Name: Caroline Howe

Faculty Name: Professor Chrisine Corcoran

Instrucions: Each clinical day each student will develop a nursing process outline for one paient of their choice. These are quick writes and should be done throughout the shit and not taken home. These will be discussed in post conferences with the faculty. The outline will be as follows: Arthur Thomason 56 year old MVA vicim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy.

Assessment (Based on systems: cardio, resp, GI/GU, mobility, Neuro, Safety, skin, pain, psychosocial) Obj: Neuro: paient gets confused but can be reoriented to place. He is A/Ox 3. His vital signs are RR:30 bpm, HR 100 bpm, BP:146/94, Temp: 102 temporal, O2 Sat: 98% with 2L nasal cannula. Resp: coughing, inefecive in

clearing secreions. Bilaterally heard crackles in the lungs. His breathing is labored, and chest x-ray showed

bilateral intersiial iniltrates in all lobes. Falling PaO2 and rising CO2. His skin is cool and dry.

Subj: Mr. Thomason reports feeling anxious and sob. He says he feels generally worse all over since yesterday.

Nursing Diagnosis (2) Must be prioriized. Must be Nanda using three part statement (Based on systems: cardio, resp, GI/GU, mobility, Neuro, Safety, skin, pain, psychosocial) Stem (DX): Eiology (Cause): as evidenced by (Signs and symptoms) Abnormal Assessment Findings. (1) Impaired gas exchange related to bilateral intersiial iniltrates in all lobes as evidence by crackled

auscultated in all lobes, and falling PaO2 and rising CO2 levels.

(2) Inefecive airway clearance related to increased sputum producion as evidence by nonproducive cough.

Planning (Paient goals) Must be SMART goals Pt. will (verbalize, demonstrate, be able to, increase & maintain, or decrease & maintain) by the: (end of shit, end of day, discharge day) or within: (two hours; 12 hours, etc.) Paient will paricipate in acions to maximize oxygenaion by the end of teaching.

Paient will display efecive airway clearance ater RT and I teach him how to mobilize secreions. Implementaion (Speciic nursing intervenions that were performed during your shit): Must contain the following: Assess {observe, palpate, percuss}; Monitor; Administer; Collaborate w/ speciic muli-disciplinary team; & Teach We will raise the head of Arthurs bed and keep the O2 cannula on him. We will itrate as needed. We will demonstrate to Arthur how to take deep breaths to maximize oxygenaion, and have him teach back to us. We

will call for an RT consult, to help mobilize secreions, and show Arthur how to efecively clear his airway. We

will maintain adequate hydraion so those secreions can move easier and be cleared more readily.

Evaluaion (What was the outcome: Goal; Met or Not met or Parially met and How to revise.) Both goals were met. Arthur was able to demonstrate how to maximize his oxygenaion through changing posiions, keeping his head and thorax elevated, and his breath patern. We were able to also clear some secreions with the help of RT, and clear his airway a bit beter. He verbalized feeling much beter ater doing so. Nursing Applicaion Assessment Include aciviies throughout the day performed in relaion to the following NCLEX content categories. See content category examples below as cited by NCSBN

Management of Care We made sure to keep a close eye on Arthur Thomason, and assist him in his respiratory problems. We got him an incenive spirometer, so he can really expand and stretch his lungs, for opimal oxygenaion. We also

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worked alongside a respiratory therapist, who was able to teach Arthur more about how to mobilize secreions, and get more oxygen. Safety and Infecion Control We made sure to perform hand hygiene, and don the proper PPE when going into Arthurs room. When Arthur was confused we were able to reorient him to place, and he was easily reminded. He is a fall risk, so we insured fall risk precauions in his room. Basic Care and Comfort We ensured Arthur was comfortable by administering an analgesic, and also applying oxygen nasal cannula to aide his respiraions. He reported feeling much more comfortable ater the intervenions.

Management of Care: providing and direcing nursing care that enhances the care delivery seting to protect clients and health care personnel.

Related content includes but is not limited to: Advance Direcives. Advocacy, Assignment, Delegaion and Supervision, Case Management, Client Rights, Collaboraion with Interdisciplinary Team, Concepts of Management, Conideniality/Informaion Security, Coninuity of Care, Establishing Prioriies, Ethical Pracice, Informed Consent, Informaion Technology, Legal Rights and Responsibiliies, Performance Improvement (Quality Improvement), Referrals

Safety and Infecion Control : protecing clients and health care personnel from health and environmental hazards.

Related content includes but is not limited to: Accident/Error /Injury Prevenion, Emergency Response Plan, Ergonomic Principles, Handling Hazardous and Infecious Materials, Home Safety Reporing of Incident/Event/Irregular, Occurrence/Variance, Safe Use of Equipment, Security Plan, Standard Precauions/Transmission- Based Precauions/Surgical Asepsis, Use of Restraints/Safety Devices

Basic Care and Comfort : providing comfort and assistance in the performance of aciviies of daily living.

Related content includes but is not limited to: Assisive devices, Eliminaion, Mobility/Immobility, Non- Pharmacological Comfort Intervenions, Nutriion and Oral Hydraion, Personal Hygiene, Rest and Sleep

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WEEK 2 NURS 211L - Nursing Process Worksheet

Course: Nutrition (N225)

296 Documents
Students shared 296 documents in this course
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Course: NURS 211L
Date: November 10,2020
Student Name: Caroline Howe
Faculty Name: Professor Christine Corcoran
Each clinical day each student will develop a nursing process outline for one patient of their choice. These are
quick writes and should be done throughout the shift and not taken home. These will be discussed in post
conferences with the faculty. The outline will be as follows:
Arthur Thomason 56 year old MVA victim, fourth day post op with a splenectomy.
Assessment (Based on systems: cardio, resp, GI/GU, mobility, Neuro, Safety, skin, pain, psychosocial)
Obj: Neuro: patient gets confused but can be reoriented to place. He is A/Ox 3. His vital signs are RR:30 bpm, HR
100 bpm, BP:146/94, Temp: 102.4 temporal, O2 Sat: 98% with 2L nasal cannula. Resp: coughing, ineffective in
clearing secretions. Bilaterally heard crackles in the lungs. His breathing is labored, and chest x-ray showed
bilateral interstitial infiltrates in all lobes. Falling PaO2 and rising CO2. His skin is cool and dry.
Subj: Mr. Thomason reports feeling anxious and sob. He says he feels generally worse all over since yesterday.
Nursing Diagnosis (2) Must be prioritized. Must be Nanda using three part statement (Based on systems: cardio,
resp, GI/GU, mobility, Neuro, Safety, skin, pain, psychosocial)
Stem (DX): Etiology (Cause): as evidenced by (Signs and symptoms) Abnormal Assessment Findings.
(1) Impaired gas exchange related to bilateral interstitial infiltrates in all lobes as evidence by crackled
auscultated in all lobes, and falling PaO2 and rising CO2 levels.
(2) Ineffective airway clearance related to increased sputum production as evidence by nonproductive cough.
Planning (Patient goals) Must be SMART goals
Pt. will (verbalize, demonstrate, be able to, increase & maintain, or decrease & maintain) by the: (end of shift,
end of day, discharge day) or within: (two hours; 12 hours, etc.)
Patient will participate in actions to maximize oxygenation by the end of teaching.
Patient will display effective airway clearance after RT and I teach him how to mobilize secretions.
Implementation (Specific nursing interventions that were performed during your shift): Must contain the
following: Assess {observe, palpate, percuss}; Monitor; Administer; Collaborate w/ specific multi-disciplinary
team; & Teach
We will raise the head of Arthurs bed and keep the O2 cannula on him. We will titrate as needed. We will
demonstrate to Arthur how to take deep breaths to maximize oxygenation, and have him teach back to us. We
will call for an RT consult, to help mobilize secretions, and show Arthur how to effectively clear his airway. We
will maintain adequate hydration so those secretions can move easier and be cleared more readily.
Evaluation (What was the outcome: Goal; Met or Not met or Partially met and How to revise.)
Both goals were met. Arthur was able to demonstrate how to maximize his oxygenation through changing
positions, keeping his head and thorax elevated, and his breath pattern. We were able to also clear some
secretions with the help of RT, and clear his airway a bit better. He verbalized feeling much better after doing so.
Nursing Application Assessment
Include activities throughout the day performed in relation to the following NCLEX content categories. See
content category examples below as cited by NCSBN
Management of Care
We made sure to keep a close eye on Arthur Thomason, and assist him in his respiratory problems. We got
him an incentive spirometer, so he can really expand and stretch his lungs, for optimal oxygenation. We also
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