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C464 study guide 3

Study guide for the assessment - Part 3

Introduction to Communication (C464)

771 Documents
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Academic year: 2020/2021
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Concept Answer Scenario


What is communication (p. 11)

Exchange of verbal and non- verbal messages with the  intent of stimulating meaning in others.

Scenario: Jessica had a conversation  with Shelly. She told Shelly she is happy  to be her friend (verbal) and hugged her  (non-verbal). 

*Note, the best scenarios have: 

1) A sender

2) A receiver 

3) A message applying the concept


MODULE 5: Goals of a Presentation

Ethos (p) the audience’s perceptions of the speaker’s level of concern for their best interests.

 Dave, a leadership development trainer, is asked to speak to a corporate  audience on a topic he is familiar with.  He wants to ensure the audience trusts  him. Which scenario below would BEST  support Dave’s goal of achieving  audience trust?

Dave should announce during his speech that he is a leadership development  trainer, understands the research and  theory on great leadership, and has  practiced leadership in real-world  settings like the audience’s own  workplace.

Pathos (p. 43)  he ability to arouse emotion  within the audience

 Ads encouraging charitable donations  show small children living in pathetic  conditions, to evoke pity in people.

Logos (p. 43)  discourse that is supported  by logical reasoning

 "The data is perfectly clear: this  investment has consistently turned a  profit year-over-year, even in spite of  market declines in other areas."

MODULE 6: Informative Versus Persuasive Presentations

Three goals for informative  presentations (p. 51)

1. communicate information  that is new knowledge for  audience members

2. further existing knowledge

3. update outdated  information or change  listeners’ factual  understanding of a topic.

1. if an instructor asks you to

prepare an oral presentation on a

chapter from your textbook, your

goal is to develop a format and

delivery approach that is best

suited to help the class learn that


2. Eva, who is giving a

presentation that is part of a

week-long university program on

raising awareness about violence

against women on college

campuses. She understands that

her student audience has been

given information for the past

week, and she seeks to add to

that information

3. Dr. Smyth, the president of a

large university, gave a briefing to

his staff to let them know that

rumors about his pending

resignation were false.

Four types of informative  speeches (p. 52)

1 presentation

2. brief report

3. demonstration

4. training session

1. provide listeners with in-depth  knowledge on a particular topic

2. Represents a highly structured  overview of very specific information

3. how-to advice relative to a particular  topic

4. how to complete a task accurately

Three possible goals for  persuasive presentations (p. 53)

. to influence attitudes  (change how listeners feel)

2. to influence beliefs (to  change how listeners think)

3. to influence behavior

3. to Influence behavior 


Three ways to assess evidence  (p. 61)

1. relevant

2. recent

3. credible




MODULE 8: Preparing for a Presentation

When to use sensory aids (visual  aids)     (p. 68)

 When it makes your topic  easier to comprehend for  your audience. Or when you  know the topic may not  excite the audience much.

When NOT to use sensory aids  (visual aids) (p. 68)

 When it will distract from a  specific point you are trying  to make

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C464 study guide 3

Course: Introduction to Communication (C464)

771 Documents
Students shared 771 documents in this course
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Concept Answer Scenario
What is communication (p. 11)
Exchange of verbal and non-
verbal messages with the
intent of stimulating meaning
in others.
Scenario: Jessica had a conversation
with Shelly. She told Shelly she is happy
to be her friend (verbal) and hugged her
*Note, the best scenarios have:
1) A sender
2) A receiver
3) A message applying the concept
MODULE 5: Goals of a Presentation
Ethos (p.43) the audience’s perceptions of
the speakers level of concern
for their best interests.
Dave, a leadership development trainer,
is asked to speak to a corporate
audience on a topic he is familiar with.
He wants to ensure the audience trusts
him. Which scenario below would BEST
support Dave’s goal of achieving
audience trust?
Dave should announce during his speech
that he is a leadership development
trainer, understands the research and
theory on great leadership, and has
practiced leadership in real-world
settings like the audience’s own
Pathos (p. 43) he ability to arouse emotion
within the audience
Ads encouraging charitable donations
show small children living in pathetic
conditions, to evoke pity in people.
Logos (p. 43) discourse that is supported
by logical reasoning
"The data is perfectly clear: this
investment has consistently turned a
profit year-over-year, even in spite of
market declines in other areas."
MODULE 6: Informative Versus Persuasive Presentations