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Pava aliblamca - Animal en extinción

Asignatura: Ingles (eg Ingles)

999+ Documentos
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White-winged guan is a slender black brid with nine largue White flight feathers at the
tips of its wings, a bluish-gray bill tipped with black. Greyish-pink bare face. It has a
long tail, pink tlegs and its choker, and is naked, and it is orange in color. It measures
between 70 and 80 cm in length.
He wakes up with the frist light, starting the day with a loud unmistakable cry with he
marks his property. It feeds on fruits, seeds, flowers and leaves. It breeds between
january and august. It nests in the upper parto of trees up to 20 m high. Their clutch
consists of two to three eggs.
It lives on slopes and elevations from 3000 to 1300 m , although before it also occupied
carob groves at sea level. It has a predilection for remote valleys with small wáter
courses, without human disturbance, althougth it seems capable of tolerantig some
modifictions of the hábitat. It feeds on fruits, flowers, leaves, buds and seed. It has
been observed in crops eating corn leaves, beans and potatoes, as well coffee barries.
This brid, which is on the verge of extinction, has a population of a bout 150-250
specimens to which must be added just under a hunderd that are kept in captivity.