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Activity No. 5 Solution, Suspensions, and Mixture (Module -1)

Course: Biochemstry

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Activity No. 5 Solution, Suspensions and Mixture (Module 1)
Name: Alanah Jane Garcia Section: BSMT 2A
Sort the mixtures into solutions, suspension or colloids
Solution, Suspensions and Mixture
vinegar, mayonnaise, yoghurt, jelly, peanut butter,
seawater, apple juice, cement, whipped cream,
cheese, muddy water, paint, sand & water, chalk &
water, milk, smoke, soda, oil & water, nail polish,
ketchup, salad dressing, fruit juice, starch & water
Write your
answer here!
Suspensions Colloids True Solutions
Muddy water, sand and
water, paint, salad dressing,
chalk and water, oil and
water, ketchup
Mayonnaise, whipped
cream, cheese, smoke,
yoghurt, jelly, peanut butter,
milk, nail polish, fruit juice.
starch and water
Sea water, apple juice,
cement, soda