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ANM102 kahoot questions and answers

Q's & A's for kahoot. May be useful for exam questions
Academic year: 2020/2021
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Kahoot Q’s

Questions Answers

When did the precambrian explosion occur? 570 MYA

Which one is NOT a scale of measurable biodiversity?


The branch of biology that deals with the geographical distribution of plants & animals is


Ecoregions cover multiple biomes FALSE

What determines biodiversity distribution Primary productivity

Where is the Coral Triangle located Between Indonesia and the Philippines

What percentage of Australian mammals are endemic?

Approx 80%

How many species have been described Approx 2 million

What type of data would be LEAST likely to be put into a species distribution model?

Food availability

What data goes into a species distribution model? Temperature, elevation, species presence/absence

The process whereby a species is gone from the wild but exists in captivity is known as

Extinction in the wild

Which of these is considered the earliest known mass extinction?


Approximately what percentage of Earth's species were lost in the K-T mass extinction?


What percent of all global mammal extinctions since 1500CE have been in Australia?


The larger the animal, the more likely it is to have gone extinct in the last 5000 years.


What life history trait is not considered a factor in current species declines?

Vertebrate vs invertebrate

Life history traits that are factors in current species declines

Long life span vs short life span Specialist vs generalist habitat needs Low fecundity vs large number of offspring

When did the Australian night parrot go extinct? 1912

What was the year that commercial whaling officially ended in Australia?


What is an example of a conservation success story, bringing a species back from extinction?

California condor, humpback whale, bridled nail tail wallaby

What mass extinction is currently underway? 6th

What is the biological definition of population? A community of individuals who interbreed

What does IUCN stand for? International Union for the Conservation of Nature

What are the three IUCN categories for threatened species?

CR, EN and VU

Which of these is NOT considered a criterion for IUCN conservation status?

Individuals in captivity

Some criteria for IUCN conservation status Restricted geographic range, declining population, quantitative analysis

Which of these species is considered by IUCN as "Near Threatened"?

Leafy seadragon, sooty shearwater, bull shark

What quantitative measure is depicted in this population photo?

Extent of occurrence

Which are the following under Australian State jurisdiction (not Federal)?

Fisheries Act

Federal jurisdiction: - Wet Tropics Queensland World Heritage Area Conservation Act - Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act - Hazardous Waste Act

In which country was the first ever protected area? Mongolia

Which IUCN protected area code is the most restrictive in terms of use?

IA, 1A, 1, I

Which IUCN protected area code is the most restrictive in terms of use?


In what country is the 'arc of deforestation'? Brazil

Bottom trawlers and dredging are equally damaging to marine habitats

False - dredging is worse & causes more damage

In what order are the 4 sequential stages of habitat fragmentation effects on animals?

  1. Exclusion
  2. Isolation
  3. Island biogeography
  4. Edge effects

Edge effects include: - Desiccation

  • Increased competition
  • Increased parasitism
  • Increased wind

Climate change increases the severity of bushfires, but not the frequency of bushfires.

False - increases both severity and frequency

What is a feature that helps Australian plants survive bushfires?

  • Rhizomes
  • Lignotubers
  • Insulating bark (waxy leaves do NOT help)

Which covers the largest area? Biome (out of biome, ecosystem, ecoregion, community)

Bushfires are a source of food for some animals True -

What terrestrial animal group is most vulnerable to extinction?


The term restoration ecology was coined in 1980

There is a strong focus on ___ across restoration ecology

ecological function

The capacity of an ecosystem to absorb disturbance and retain it’s structure and functioning (i. stay the same) is...

Ecological resilience

Restoration can be either active or ______. Passive

Which is not an ecosystem service? Predation

Ecosystem services - Erosion protection

  • Carbon sequestration
  • Water filtering

Which is the most expensive habitat to restore per unit area?

Coral reefs

Targets in ecological restoration are also called reference ecosystems


Which of the following is NOT an international agreement targeting restoration?

WAZA guidelines

International agreements targeting restoration- - IUCN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration

  • New York Declaration on Forests
  • Bonn Challenge

What percentage of restoration projects globally strategically place sites within landscapes?


Ecological restoration is part of a _____ of restorative activities


Unlike protected areas, off-reserve conservation strategies

rely on private citizens for monitoring and maintenance

University of the Sunshine Coast is located on which bird migratory route?

East Asian-Australasian Flyway

Off-reserve conservation areas NOT part of the national reserve system include:

Environmental Stewardship incentives

The Puerto Rican parrot is a great example of: Reintroduction

Translocation is - in general - much less costly than captive breeding programs


Translocations to reserves need to consider: - Control of feral predators in the reserves

  • Weed control
  • Fire management

In Yellowstone National Park, increases in wolves and therefore beavers is an example of?


Experiments with what type of organism made de- extinction seem viable?


In which country did the 500 Elephants Project occur?


For DOUBLE points- name the AWC sanctuary west of Nambour


What year did the number of overexploited fisheries surpass the number of non-fully exploited fisheries?


Stages of habitat fragmentation in order Exclusion —> isolation —> island biogeography — > edge effects

Fisheries had a significant effect on bush meat consumption in Africa

Key features of species that enhance their capacity to become invasive species include?

Rapid reproductive rates

Organisms that have the same function and nutritional relationship with primary producers are from the same ______

Trophic level

Climate change is driven by an enhanced natural greenhouse effect


A substitute used to represent a part of a system when real data aren’t available is a ______.


The original framework for systematic conservation planning has how many stages?


The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is managed by which government?

Federal government

The Moreton Bay Marine Park is managed by which government?

Queensland state government

Are marine parks 'effective'? Depends on goals

What is a key limit to the expansion of reserves? Increased private land ownership

Reserves do not suffer from edge effects. FALSE

Migratory species present significant problems across international planning and to reserve boundaries

Translocations are just as costly as captive breeding programs


Rewilding is.... - a form of restoration

  • Broad-scale
  • Focused on trophic relationships and resilience

List in order of smallest to largest geographical scales

Habitat - ecosystem - ecoregion - biome

A species has a population size of 200 mature individuals, and has an extent of occurrence of 600km2. The species is-

Critically endangered

Hard concrete structures in coastal environments is an example of_____.

Habitat degradation

How many criteria are used to calculate a species threat category?


What % of global mammal extinctions since 1500 have been in Australia


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ANM102 kahoot questions and answers

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Kahoot Q’s
When did the precambrian explosion occur?
570 MYA
Which one is NOT a scale of measurable
The branch of biology that deals with the
geographical distribution of plants & animals is!
Ecoregions cover multiple biomes
What determines biodiversity distribution
Primary productivity
Where is the Coral Triangle located
Between Indonesia and the Philippines
What percentage of Australian mammals are
Approx 80%
How many species have been described
Approx 2 million
What type of data would be LEAST likely to be put
into a species distribution model?
Food availability
What data goes into a species distribution model?
Temperature, elevation, species presence/absence
The process whereby a species is gone from the
wild but exists in captivity is known as
Extinction in the wild
Which of these is considered the earliest known
mass extinction?
Approximately what percentage of Earth's species
were lost in the K-T mass extinction?
What percent of all global mammal extinctions
since 1500CE have been in Australia?
The larger the animal, the more likely it is to have
gone extinct in the last 5000 years.
What life history trait is"not"considered a factor in
current species declines?
Vertebrate vs invertebrate
Life history traits that are factors in current species
Long life span vs short life span#
Specialist vs generalist habitat needs#
Low fecundity vs large number of ospring
When did the Australian night parrot go extinct?
What was the year that commercial whaling
ocially ended in Australia?
What is an example of a conservation success
story, bringing a species back from extinction?
California condor, humpback whale, bridled nail tail
What mass extinction is currently underway?
What is the biological definition of population?
A community of individuals who interbreed
What does IUCN stand for?
International Union for the Conservation of Nature