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Verifiche - Zanichelli Test

esercitazioni con verifica test di lingua inglese base

Lingua inglese  (35753)

65 Documenti
Gli studenti hanno condiviso 65 documenti in questo corso
Anno accademico: 2016/2017
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Università degli Studi di Salerno


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Test Per_B1_vol1_Buildup_test Nome Classe Data 1 Posizionamento Countries and nationalities Trascina le parole azzurre negli spazi vuoti corrispondenti. Quando hai concluso, fai clic su Conferma. Complete the sentences with the correct country or nationality below. There are two extra words. 1. Berlin is the capital city of . People from Berlin are 2. I am from Dublin. I am and is my country. 3. Canada has two official languages: English and 4. Cristiano Ronaldo is Wales Portuguese . . He is from 5. England, Scotland and . . are all parts of Great Germany Italian Ireland Britain . German Portugal French Irish England 2 Completamento chiuso Possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns, that, these, Scegli le risposte che ritieni corrette, poi fai clic su Conferma. Test Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences. 1. Kathy, are this these pens yours your ? 2. this their theirs their theirs 3. that this your car over her hers 4. These That is my mine pencil case. 5. Look at those these boys in the park with theirs their bikes. 6. is our ours favourite mine my , 7. that this is the new teacher, Mr morning, Mr Banks. Is it yours your first day 3 Posizionamento School objects Trascina le parole azzurre negli spazi vuoti corrispondenti. Quando hai concluso, fai clic su Conferma. Match the two parts of the words or phrases. 1. Head 2. Pencil 3. Text 4. Mobile 5. High 6. Back 7. Interactive book phones ligther whiteboard pack phone case Test hair body age wavy hair body age slim hair body age old Test hair body age tall hair body age dark hair body age fat 4. The spelling of 205 is: t 5. School in Italy starts in S 6. My favourite season is s 7. What is the spelling of 16? S Test . and finishes in J because trees are green and birds sing. . . 8 Completamento chiuso Prepositions of time and prepositions of place Scegli le risposte che ritieni corrette, poi fai clic su Conferma. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences. 1. you free on at in the under on in the office all 2. In At On summer it is very hot. We have a picnic between beside on the lake. 3. Her birthday party is on at in Saturday in the park in between opposite the town hall. 4. I am not at in on home on at in the evenings. 5. Schools are closed on at in Christmas. We visit friends near above opposite the mountains. 6. there a test in on at in the classroom under between on the two 9 Completamento aperto Places in town Fai clic su ciascuno spazio bianco, poi digita le parole mancanti. Quando hai finito fai clic su Conferma. Complete the sentences with the correct places. 1. Students go to every day. 2. You ask for an important document in the . 3. You watch your favourite team play in a . 4. You walk and relax in a . 5. The is where you get money. 6. You go to a to swim or do physical exercise. Test 10 Posizionamento Imperatives, Trascina le parole azzurre negli spazi vuoti corrispondenti. Quando hai concluso, fai clic su Conferma. Complete the sentences with the words below. 1. right at the church. 2. pay attention in class. 3. a dictionary when you study. 4. into my office. 5. the text on page 16. 6. the door when you leave. 7. talk in the library. 8. the road at the traffic lights. Read Cross You Turn Close You must Come Use

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Verifiche - Zanichelli Test

Corso: Lingua inglese  (35753)

65 Documenti
Gli studenti hanno condiviso 65 documenti in questo corso
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10/4/2019 Test 1/8
Nome Classe Data
1 - Posizionamento
Countries and nationalities
Trascina le parole azzurre negli spazi vuoti corrispondenti. Quando hai concluso, fai clic su Conferma.
2 - Completamento chiuso
Possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns, 'this, that, these, those'
Scegli le risposte che ritieni corrette, poi fai clic su Conferma.
Complete the sentences with the correct country or nationality below. There are two extra words.
1. Berlin is the capital city of . People from Berlin are .
2. I am from Dublin. I am and is my country.
3. Canada has two official languages: English and .
4. Cristiano Ronaldo is . He is from .
5. England, Scotland and are all parts of Great .
Wales Portuguese Germany Italian Ireland Britain German Portugal French Irish England

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